I don't have any tattoos and I don't plan on getting any in the near future or at any time for that matter. I have nothing against tattoos or people that have them I just have never heard a plausible argument as to why to get one. If I really really like a piece of art I would hang it on my wall or if I had an uncontrollable desire to show the piece of art to the world I would put it on a t-shirt that way when I inevitably get sick of looking at it I can either take it off the wall or give it to a thrift store.
Anyway here are some tattoos that completely boggle my mind. I really can't fathom why anyone would get these things permanently put on their bodies.

Clay Aiken and Linkin Park 2 very different acts which actually have a lot in common. They are both popular now who knows what catalogue of music they are going to release over the next 20 years. What if they release some of the most gut retchingly horrible music that you've ever heard and you've already decided on commit them to your body for life.

I think that's the picture you're supposed to take out of the frame.

Food Tattoos???? Seriously What the Fuck??? Even if you loved hamburgers more than anything on earth and ate nothing but for the rest of your life why would you get a tattoo of one? The naked Indian girl grabbing on to a pogo stick is bizarre but I can understand it a lot more than a fucking hamburger at sunset beside what looks to be a palm tree. As for the guy who decided to get a whole plate of breakfast tattooed on his head I really have nothing to say.
*Update: Due to the many comments I am now aware that the hamburger tattoo refers to a Jimmy Buffet song, but that doesn't make it any less bad.
**Update 2: In Canada corn dogs are called pogo sticks.

If you're old enough to get a tattoo then you're too old to be a fan of Harry Potter. And If you're going to get a Star Wars tattoo why the fuck would you get anything to do with episode 1 on it.

Not that this is a bad tattoo (a bad life decision maybe) but I just wonder what this guy does for a living. I like to think he's a bank teller.

Holy shit this is getting out of hand. This guy decided to cover his whole leg with a joke that not only isn't funny now but will be completely irrelevant in a few years. If history has taught us anything its that Michael Jackson will not look the same in 5, 10 or especially 20 years and by that point no one will remember the movie Home Alone so this guy will be walking around with an extremely creepy and strange tattoo that he will have to explain (if anyone is willing to talk to him).

This takes the cake. If you didn't hear this woman auctioned off the space on her forehead on Ebay the highest bidder was goldenpalace.com. They paid her $10,000 to tattoo their url on her forehead. Apparently she wanted to money to send her kid to private school because the kids grades were slipping. That seems like a noble cause but what the fuck. Get a fucking loan. Pay 18% interest if you have to but don't sell you're fucking face like a billboard. Apparently the staff at the tattoo parlor spent 7 hours trying to talk her out of it. I think she should have listened, the internet as we know it (.com url's etc) most likely wont exist in a few years but a forehead tattoo will last a lifetime.
Check out:
Really Bad Tattoos Part 2
Really Bad Tattoos Part 3
Really Bad Tattoos Part 4
Really Bad Tattoos Part 5
Really Bad Tattoos Part 6
Really Bad Tattoos Part 7
Really Bad Tattoos Part 8
Holy freaking crap is right. I'm speechless. I have a tattoo, but nothing I'm going to regret. It's almost like these people wanted to torture their future selves with their dumb decisions.
ReplyDeleteThe indian girl is climbing a corn dog, now you thought it was wierd before....`
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to cry... Those were HORRID!
ReplyDeletehere's another bad tattoo!
wow. the mind boggles.
ReplyDeletethe cheeseburger thing, im assuming, is a jimmy buffet reference (not that it makes it any more appealing)
who the do you people think you are people have tattoos because they want to and no more reason should nead to be given
ReplyDeleteEw...those are very very sad.
ReplyDeleteI mean, nothing wrong with tattoos, as long as it's something reasonable. I've got a Maple Leaf (right off the flag), and I don't think I'm going to magically start hating my country. Plus, it's not exposed.
Those people...wow...ew...especially the woman with the url. I mean, if your kid's grades are slipping, get him a tutor and turn off the T.V!
Yeah, the cheeseburger is definately about cheeseburger in paradise. dadadada and an onion slice. Or something along those lines.
ReplyDeleteThe linkin park and clay aiken tattoos are the best! I also think that the implication that they don't ALREADY make the most gut-wrenchingly awful music is very generous. Now, if only I could afford to get this Vanilla Ice tattoo removed.....
ReplyDeletewow, i almost threw up on that "ham and eggs-tatoo"!
ReplyDeleteas long as they dont regret it good on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete"who the do you people think you are people have tattoos because they want to and no more reason should nead to be given"
ReplyDeletedoes anyone else know WTF this guy is trying to communicate here?
great tat pics, though.
"who the do you people think you are people have tattoos because they want to and no more reason should nead to be given"
ReplyDeletePyting while tonsed is bery diifficult
I'm pretty sure the cheesebuger with palm trees is a reference to the song cheeseburger in paradise. A very popular Jimmy Buffet song.
ReplyDeletethe harry potter one is ok.. im a harry potter fan .. and i would get a tattoo of him for sure .. and im older too(and even my step mother enjoys the harry potter books and movies as much as i do)
ReplyDeleteand the one with the indian maiden mounting a corndog.. wtf ?? thats freakin' weird ... sheesh.. how the heck would u explain that one ????
If that woman was my mother i would emancipate myself as soon as possible... no wonder her kids are doing badly in school if they have half of her DNA. Christ.
ReplyDeleteuhhh btw the last photo is not a real tattoo on her head- its a fake one that people get paid to wear to events...see mycampuspromotions dot com
ReplyDeleteCOR BLIMEY! They're blymin awful. I'm havin nightmares now!
ReplyDeleteOh SHIT, My eyes, they're burning.
ReplyDelete"uhhh btw the last photo is not a real tattoo on her head- its a fake one that people get paid to wear to events...see mycampuspromotions dot com"
ReplyDeleteNo it absolutely is a real tattoo. It was all over the news at the time
my friend got a tattoo that i think is horrible
teh cheeseburger with the palmtree is supposed to be a Cheeseburger in Paradise, a Jimmy Buffet song
ReplyDeletewell looks like breakfast head has found this page (refering to the last comment)
ReplyDeletethere alll Soooo COOOOLLL!!
ReplyDeleteThere isnt anything wrong with the linkin park tattoo.
ReplyDeleteWoah obsession at its worst! wtf
ReplyDeleteAt least they're being original. If I have to see another tribal tattoo, I'm going to scream.
ReplyDeleteThose with balls, do. Those without balls pretend they don't want to.
ReplyDeleteNo, you can take the piss out of them even if they don't have tattoos, you just have to look harder to find something to make fun of!
I believe that the cheesburger tattoo would refer to "cheeseburger in paradise" song by Jimmy Buffet. Thats my hope anyway. Buffet fans get alot of tattoos like the this one.
ReplyDeleteTatoos are silly. How can you decide on something you think is going to be cool for the rest of your life. You have to spend the rest of your life telling yourself, "Yeah, I still think it's cool, and it is cool! It was so worth it"
ReplyDeletei think we all realize by now that the cheeseburger in paradise is a jimmy buffet song...it's been said enough.
ReplyDeleteas for those who actually defend the idiots pictured above, tattoos aren't being called retarded in general, just ones like these. for making fun of them, or anything, i always remember the rule i learned way back in middle school... you can't make fun of someone's family - that's just cruel. however, hunting season is open on their girlfriend. it's their own damned fault.
and lastly linkin park really does suck. i at least had respect until they teamed up with jay-z. now that's retarded.
those tattoos r f***ing rad man!
ReplyDeletewho eva u r saying not to take the the piss ure wrong, some tattoos r cool but all of them on this page totally suck! This is Diggy Dog speaking
ReplyDelete"But selling your forehead for permanent ad space... somehow seems far worse than simple prostitution."
ReplyDeletebe somebody, or be somebody's fool. a funny idea gone very wrong.
That's a corn dog, not a pogo stick, yo!
ReplyDeletePoor tattoos, worse narration. Get something better to do with ur days, freako.
ReplyDeletehey whats wrong with tattoos i want a dragon on my shoulder some tattoos are whacked i admite ppl do take it to far but who gives a fuck...but some tattoos are works of art look amazing all the time....
ReplyDeleteI think this dude with the tatoo of Michael Jackson should join him since it is possible that he too is into little boys WTF does he know that no one else does???
Ok I wanna know why someone would get a tattoo of jabba the hut when they already *look* like jabba the hut...
ReplyDeleteHere's one for the collection:
heres a list of a few more bad tattoos and my review of them.
ReplyDeleteWorst Tattoos Ever
I happen to have a rather large collection (about 30)Each one represents a differnt phase or time/event in my life.It is a personal choice. However a WOULD NOT get breakfast tattooed on my head.lol ~ Lizard
ReplyDeletehahah people rule
ReplyDeleteA commenter already pointed out that the Indian girl -- somehow, Native American woman just wouldn't seem right in this context -- is frottaging a corndog, not a pogo stick.
ReplyDeleteIt reminded me that one of my favorite euphemisms to describe sexual orientation is "Some people like tacos; other people prefer corndogs."
omg, the penis one is just sicko. i almost, ALMOST barfed. still, i love dragons but that, *shakes head* that just tarnishes their glory for those of u who are dragon lovers. I am Zelda Freak.
ReplyDeletePersonally I like tattoos, have one myself.. But I took the time out and thought about what I wanted prior to getting it.. Unlike these people.. They are all just tacky.. Also the Indian chick.. That looks like a corndog not a pogo stick.. Which makes the tattoo worse..
ReplyDeleteI like your ideas, but I'm a grammar nazi and am forced to criticize your lack of ability to demonstrate them through the proper use of the English language.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen Janet Jackson's tattoo of Mickey and Minnie Mouse having sex?
ReplyDeleteJanet's tattoo
I love how the guy who got his kid tattooed on his arm, obviously hasn't realised it looks more like Margaret Thatcher.
ReplyDeletePeople obviously aren't reading the comments - maybe you should update your captions. It's clear that the amerindian girl is hugging something the Americans call a "corn-dog" - if people think it's a phallus, they have a poor sense of biology (or a strangely shaped one!)
ReplyDeleteAnyone else see the breakfast one as a cut away - that's not scrambled egg, but hypothalmus represented - looks to me liek an image of eggs, bacon and brain matter - which just makes it wierder. At least he can grow his hair long, assuming he doesn't go bald later on... :)
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletei like eggs
ReplyDeleteIf people want to get tattoos, they should be able to do what they want to their own bodies for what ever reason. If other people want to call the tattooed world assholes for getting a tattoo, more power to them. Freedom is totally entertaining!!!
ReplyDeletemy wife has a devil rubber ducky on her back on one shoulder and is getting the angel one soon on the otherside they are cute but what do u guys think?
ReplyDeleteSaying you can't ever understand why someone would get a tattoo? How Ignorant.....People get them for many different reasons, some good-- some bad.....What you don't like many others probably do( the painting of the indian, corndog etc).......my 2 cents
ReplyDeletethe only difference between tattooed people and those that are not.Is that tattooed people don't care if your not tattooed.
ReplyDeletethe cheeseburger under the palm tree? wow. i believe that person may have been a jimmy buffett fan...? "Cheeseburger in Paradise." just guessing. rather odd, none the less.
ReplyDeleteA tattoo indicates to me that a person is easily suckered into the fad of the day. If it became fashionable to cut off the baby finger on your left hand, these same geniuses would be doing that too. Most people with tattoos will eventually regret getting them at some point. Also, nothing says trailer park skank like a tattoo!
ReplyDeleteI have two tattoos.. a pair of wings on my back. I know its slightly cliche.. but i don't care. Weve all gone through periods in our life that make us feel trapped, and I got my tattoos to symbolize the trouble I had during that time and what i had to do to change. Its a lesson I never want to forget, or ever want to change. Sure a cheeseburger or an indian on a corndog is something weird.. but in the tattoo world thats called flair. as in, its just for fun. So those tattoos are probably there just to make fun of - thats what flair is.
ReplyDeleteBut please, my tattoos really mean something to me. They are a part of me on the inside that i choose to express on the outside. And to be ridiculed for such a choice.. well.. I guess there are still people who judge by people's skin...
Oh extension from above.. even if it isnt flair.. it means something to then you or I will never understand. Tattoos are no more of a fad than they ever have been, there are people out there who still consider tattooed people assholes or weirdos.. theres several of those comments. But it just is what it is. Its a way of expression just like temperment, fashion.. whatever. So.. yeah.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad when people are vocal about not liking tattoos. It makes it easier to spot closed minded neckheads who I wouldn't want to waste my time on in the first place.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!
There are two types of people in this world; people who have tattoos and people who don't have tattoos, and people who don't have tattoos are usually the only people who care if you have a tattoo or not.
ReplyDeleteI got a kickin tattoo, and I am glad its tasteful, not to mention unnoticeable unless I show anyone. If your gonna do it, do it tastefully!
ReplyDeleteIf they're meaningful to the person who got them, there's no reason to judge them for it. But some of these ARE excruciatingly funny. Same goes for haircuts, dress sense, piercings... what someone thinks is the best thing ever will always make someone else wince, it's just a different perspective. I'm sure the people who have these think they're great and would quite easily pick something about each and every one of us to laugh at too. Just because we think they're awful, doesn't mean we have to be so closed-minded as to judge their intelligence because we disagree with their idea of personal body art. We can laugh, but we shouldn't consider our own judgement unimpeachable.
ReplyDeleteInteresting how all the negative comments are form enonymous people...
ReplyDeleteMost of the time a tattoo is a very very personal thing so even though they might look stupid to you and me they are special to the person who has one. Having said that, there are also plenty of dumb ass tattoos, like the goldenpalace and Jacko one.
Btw, wtf is a tastefull tattoo? Is that not in the eye of the beholder?
these are awful. i've seen some cool tatts but these are not tasteful to me. hope they are to the ones who have them. they can always spend a fortune & have them removed by laser someday & learn an expensive lesson if they choose. by the way, that indian girl looks like she's up against a corn dog to me. also, the goldenpalace.com looks like a stick-on tatt (you can see a clear edge around it).
ReplyDeleteI have to say the Micheal Jackson tattoo took me by surprise:)
The man with tattoos all over his face.. there is a laywer like that in stroud
ReplyDeleteSeems to me the money spent on cutaneous cartoons would have been better spent on edukatin' yerselfves. Losers!
ReplyDeletetattooing is a fad ... ???... go to the smithsonian and check out the mummified caveman w/ tattoos that predate cave painting... that's one helluva fad!
ReplyDeleteTattoos of, like, that wimpy singer from American Idol who wants to "be invisible and watch you in your room" scream desperation -- desperate to belong to something, to be a part of something to vicariously BE something. Just say no to tattoos. Losers!
ReplyDeleteI am in total shock!! I just want this all to be fake!! But damn it I know it's not!!
ReplyDeleteI think the indian on the 'pogo stick' is actually holding a corn dog you can get at the county fair.
ReplyDeletethe indian girl is on a corndog, not a pogostick... actually, i think that makes it even stupider
ReplyDeletemaybe the breakfast guy is trying to say that his head is so clean that you could eat off of it?
ReplyDeleteThe girl with the goldenpalace.com made a great decision.
ReplyDeleteIt will probably cost her between $2500 and $5000 to get it removed so she'll make a sweet profit.
Sure she'll have a scar on her forehead but some makeup would take care of that.
Some of these weren't bad.
ReplyDeleteCheesburger in Paradise- I got the meaning and any Jimmy Buffet fan would. Though the idea was creative. Indian on corn dog-good artwork, kinnda sexy. Boy in picture-probably the guy's son. I had a antique looking photo taken of my son just like that. Lady with tatoo on forehead- Removable, saw it on ebay
Those weren't bad.
ReplyDeleteI'm anonymous beacuse I don't feel like creating a name and password just to post a comment.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, some weren't bad.
goldenpalace.com will someday become a porn site...
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell would anyone want to get a tattoo on their forhead, let alone a web site. Now really she is either dim, really wasted or paid a ton for what she did. You wouldn't catch me or any sane person doing that.
ReplyDeleteIt's removable Dumbass
ReplyDeleteYeah it happened. It was a monumentally stupid thing to do, but I believe she got paid for her story as well as for her face. They'll prob make a movie out of it.
ReplyDeleteThe Harry Potter tattoo does suck but it's obvious that you've never read the series.. If you had, you'd know that Harry Potter's much more adult than one would think. I know people with Harry Potter tattoos and plan on getting one myself. Mine wouldn't be garrish and horrible like that though..
ReplyDeleteY'all, a "pogo" is a corn dog in some areas. Like Canada. Just to clarify.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. All tattoos whether they are done in jail or by a professional artist that charges hundreds of dollars an hour to pollute the only skin that God gave you with colored ink are shit! I can vouch for that because I have two very large tattoos on the arms and I very well regret it! One is a multicolored flying dragon,(does that make me a devil worshiper?) and the other is a black panther fighting with two green snakes on a rock with palm trees on it.(does that mean I'm a zoo employee?) Both of them look like shit because the so called professional tattoo artists I paid my hard earned money to could not draw worth a fuck! But most of them are all dead thank goodness! I paid about $500.00 for this cream I found on the internet that's supposed to fade the tattoos and make them dissappear and all it does is make my arm stink like a dead insect and makes my skin get rash! Nine months and no result. I am stuck with this tattoo trash for life! All you tattoo artists out there who charge about as much as a fuckin' down payment on a house for your worthless "tattoos" especially you female 'bitch' tattoo artists out there should take up another profession and that's not forgetting about you sick body piercers and branders either, all of you should stop taking people's hard earned money in exchange for ruining their bodies. Become lawyers or doctors or something useful because all of you suck! Keep your site going strong so it might encourage all these bad decision makers like myself not to ruin their bodies for life with this tattoo garbage!
ReplyDeletealso..... the breakfast plate with he eggs, is, i believe, a reference to the "brain on drugs" commercials..... it's pretty fun and clever, especialy for a drug advocate..... (without potential for a receeding hairline, for obvious reasons....) peace kids...
ReplyDeleteFirst of all the Native American is not on a pogo stick.I believe that is a corn dog.
ReplyDeleteSecond the argument that things change is not one that takes a stance against tattoos. The beauty of tattoos is that they never change, therefore regardless of whether the idea that the tattoo represents has changed or not,is irrelevant, because the tattoo represents something for you personally. Getting a tattoo is a big decisiion, and yes it appears that to us these seem like ridiculous tattoos, but they might mean more to the people who got them.
Finally Maybe before you go judging other tattoos, you should get one yourself. Those who aren't tattooed will never understand us who are.
I actually pity the woman with the forehead tattoo. So misguided and humiliating. If she has it removed, she'll still end up with an ugly scar on her forehead. She should have just got her kid to work harder at school, or accept that she has a dumb kid. Like mother, like daughter, maybe?
ReplyDeleteOk.. i personally like both Linkin Park and tattoos, First LP make better music then u ever bloody could. Secondly, if you wnat a tattoo its up to you and if it means something to them so be it. What a stupid website.
ReplyDeletethese people get the tattoos for a reason, altough some of them are completely foolish, to the person there not.
ReplyDeleteMy fiancee has tattoos and I hate them. I like the one on her waistline, but i am sick of looking at it, and I cant imagine I'll like it any more in 20 years lol.
ReplyDeleteWhether for or against tattoos, most of the posts have one thing in common: complete and utter lack of thought.
ReplyDeleteomg omfg liek tattoos are awsom n meaningful n stuff so yeah
Not all tattoos have profound significance to the bearer. Hell, many are simply the result of mind altering substances and inherent bad judgment. But that doesn't necessarily detract from the idea that they can be a form of art, self-expression, if you will.
At the opposite end of the spectrum are the ones spewing,
Everyone who has a tattoo is a dumb shit following some stupid fad.
Wake up and smell the ink, kiddies. Tattoos have been around for quite a while, as someone mentioned previously - not just centuries, but as far back as the Second Millennium. Sure, they have gained popularity among the trend seekers, and certainly have lost some of their novelty, but who are you to judge? Maybe someone adorned in ink beat you up and took your lunch money years ago, and now the very sight of a tattoo makes you piss your pants. So that justifies making snap judgments about people you don't know, most of whom you will never even meet. Get over it.
My favorite post thus far:
"People who have tattoos are like opinions. Every single one of them is an asshole."
A witty attempt at twisting around a more well-known quote, yet failing miserably to evoke any sensibility of humor, as well as making the poster look like a prejudiced idiot to boot. Douchebags.
should i get a tattoo to understand why my girlfriend likes them so much....hmmm???
ReplyDeleteNO, do not get that tat man. You WILL regret it.
ReplyDeleteIn the bible it mentions that your body does not belong to you but god, and you should not desecrate his temple.
Or if your not religious, at least understand that its a permanant reminder of a temporary feeling.
It makes men think low of women, even if women dont think that way. So why do it yourself. And if your girlfriend has tattoos, you should get rid of her now before you find a knife in your back.
i understnad why you put most of them on here but some of them are very good work.every person gets a tattoo for many different ressons.i myself have 8 and plan on getting more. just cuz you youself do not want to get a tattoo doesnt mean the rest of us with tattoos are below you or anything. and the guy that has the lil boy tattooed onto his arm and hes holding the pic of the lil boy by it did you ever stop to think that maybe its his son or someone that was very important to him? how can put down someone getting a tattoo of someone they love?
ReplyDeleteOk those of you bashing tattoos have considerably stupid reasons not to. Such as your body is a temple and women who have tattos are trashy. I know a lot of respectable people that have tattoos and temples around the world are adorned with beautiful art so why should I not adorn my body with the same. I really doubt that my tattoos are going to keep me out of heaven. Sorry to tell all of you haters but tattooing has been a sacred tradition for hundreds even thousands of years. It is very spiritual and very beautiful. Kudos to the person that runs this site for saying they do not have a tattoo but not bashing people who do just strange tattoos. I gotta say if I had a Michael Jackson tattoo I would expect people to make fun of me. As for this guy he seems to have some personal issues that need to be worked out between him and a therapist. *I'm with you. All tattoos whether they are done in jail or by a professional artist that charges hundreds of dollars an hour to pollute the only skin that God gave you with colored ink are shit! I can vouch for that because I have two very large tattoos on the arms and I very well regret it! One is a multicolored flying dragon,(does that make me a devil worshiper?) and the other is a black panther fighting with two green snakes on a rock with palm trees on it.(does that mean I'm a zoo employee?) Both of them look like shit because the so called professional tattoo artists I paid my hard earned money to could not draw worth a fuck! But most of them are all dead thank goodness! I paid about $500.00 for this cream I found on the internet that's supposed to fade the tattoos and make them dissappear and all it does is make my arm stink like a dead insect and makes my skin get rash! Nine months and no result. I am stuck with this tattoo trash for life! All you tattoo artists out there who charge about as much as a fuckin' down payment on a house for your worthless "tattoos" especially you female 'bitch' tattoo artists out there should take up another profession and that's not forgetting about you sick body piercers and branders either, all of you should stop taking people's hard earned money in exchange for ruining their bodies. Become lawyers or doctors or something useful because all of you suck! Keep your site going strong so it might encourage all these bad decision makers like myself not to ruin their bodies for life with this tattoo garbage!*
ReplyDeleteI have to commend the tattoo parlor/artist who at least spent the better part of a day trying to talk the woman out of tattooing "goldenpalace.com" on her forehead. She needs help. Then again, so does the person who got a tattoo of a buck-toothed Indian sexually assaulting a corn dog. Too bad no one tried to talk him out of that!
ReplyDeleteFor all the tattoo bashers and tattoo lovers out there...
ReplyDeleteI just got myself a tattoo last week--and I must say I did a lot of research and made a good choice- something I've been wanting for years and will not likely grow out of and grow to hate. I think it's important that if you're going to get a tattoo, you need to do it for the right reasons and you need to think about what you want and where you get it. (Mine's small enough I can hide it, always if need be)
However these tattoos show how bad a decision you can make, like the guy with his entire face tattooed or the women who had her forehead tattooed. Even the guy with the dragon penis--I'm sure when he tries to score he gets laughed at! Anyway, the tats here are examples of some of the worst, but try to keep in mind there are very tasetful and good tattoos out there as well.
Tattoos aren't so easily lumped into 'good' or 'bad' categories. There's always a middle ground.
yo am looking for a 3d frog can sum 1 help me
yo am looking for a 3d frog can sum 1 help me
I dont think there is anything wrong with tattoos,but you definitley need to put some thought into it, i have my family crest on chest, because that is a constant, i will never not be part of my family and it means a lot to me.
ReplyDeleteAlright, I agree with the whole food tattoo stuff, but if ya think about it, it's not a hamburger... have you ever heard of jimmy buffett? probably an homage to his song, "cheeseburger in paradise" . . . personally, i don't like either the song or the tattoo all that much, but yeah...
ReplyDeletewho cares whether it's hommage to a song (that no one knows). it's still a tattoo of a cheeseburger to the very core and a very badly designed one at that.
ReplyDeletehey you! anonymous! the one who hates tattoo bashers! yeah you! no one wants to hear your whiny bullshit. just as you have a right to like tattoos, other people have the right to dislike them. so shut the fuck up! something we can all agree on though, is that all the tattoos on this page a shitty (which is the point of the web page i think).
ReplyDeletei think the point the owner of this page is trying to make is that everyone says that they get tattoos for personal memories and stuff like that. (it would seem to me the reason anyone does anything is personal, but whatever). for most people that is not a good enough reason to go through that type of pain and that's it. that's not hatred of tattoos, just a lack of understanding of people who would do it.
i personally don't like pain and although i'd die and go through all types of pain for my loved ones i wouldn't force it on myself to feel closer too them. my digital camera, cards and letters, gifts and presents are enough to sustain me through life and more important than material things like those are the memories. memories are the only thing i'll have with me forever. they won't get lost or stolen. you may forget things, but that is the beauty of memories never remembering the same thing the same way twice. writing things down ruins that type of beauty.
hey you! anonymous! the one who hates tattoo bashers! yeah you! no one wants to hear your whiny bullshit. just as you have a right to like tattoos, other people have the right to dislike them. so shut the fuck up! something we can all agree on though, is that all the tattoos on this page a shitty (which is the point of the web page i think).
ReplyDeletei think the point the owner of this page is trying to make is that everyone says that they get tattoos for personal memories and stuff like that. (it would seem to me the reason anyone does anything is personal, but whatever). for most people that is not a good enough reason to go through that type of pain and that's it. that's not hatred of tattoos, just a lack of understanding of people who would do it.
i personally don't like pain and although i'd die and go through all types of pain for my loved ones i wouldn't force it on myself to feel closer too them. my digital camera, cards and letters, gifts and presents are enough to sustain me through life and more important than material things like those are the memories. memories are the only thing i'll have with me forever. they won't get lost or stolen. you may forget things, but that is the beauty of memories never remembering the same thing the same way twice. writing things down ruins that type of beauty.
I would just like to say that no matter what your thoughts on tats are,if you're going to leave a post you should be able to write better than a third-grader,and that you should think out what you're going to say.I personally have three tattoos,and plan on getting more.Each of my tats were gotten after long and careful deliberation.I know they will be with me for the rest of my life and so I put alot of time,energy,and thought into what I wanted to get.Regardless of what anyone else thinks,these are important to me.They tell my story in ways I cannot express.My pride,my history,my fears,my sorrows,and most importantly,they help to remind me every day of where I have been,and where I am going.Tattos aren't bad or good,they are an individual choice.And while I don't always agree with what someone has inked on their body,it is,was,and always will be their choice.I believe in freedom of choice.I may not agree with what you have to say,but I will defend to the death your right to say it.And so it is with tattoos.
ReplyDeleteYeah...that goldenpalace.com tattoo is a temporary. I remember that auction stating that she was auctioning off her forehead for one month only. Nice story about the 7 hours worth of talking her out of it though.....
ReplyDeleteI think that's supposed to be Johnny Rotten...not Clay Aiken...if it is Clay Aiken then that is one ridiculous tattoo. Johnny Rotten I can handle.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is your ignorance to the situation. Just because the news tells you its real you like a poor sheep believe. As far as tatoos if you dont like dont look I am sure many people fallow this rule with many things like... well let me think. Oh yeah your face. Peace and spend more time thinking about yourself fool
ReplyDeleteWow... I honestly don't know what saddens me more, some of the tats shown here or the fact that I actually sat here to read (almost) all these comments!
ReplyDeleteI am a member of the tattooed folks writing on here, and while I don't have to like the comments of those who think I am an ass or whatever for getting one, I do have to like what I choose to do to MY body when it is for life. I am proud to say that I love mine. I can not see me ever regretting getting a simple tastefull tribute to my son put on my body. After all I have to live with the ones he did to my body while pregnant with him.. strech marks can be a bitch after all, but like my tattoo they can be covered. So to all the narrow minded people who think they have a right to judge me over a TATTOO.. how surprised you would be after meeting me, and in all likelyhood liking me, to find out I have one, would you have to change your opinon of me after?
To sum it up.... my body, my choice. Your opinon, simply that.
BTW.. before you all jump all over it, my tat is no where near my stretch marks.. LOL
ReplyDeleteDon't have any tattoos and don't plan to get any...but it is fun to think about how nursing home workers 50 years from now will joke about which resident has the ugliest tattoo...."yeah, old Mrs. Anderson's lower back tat is always smeared with poop whenever I change her Depends"...
ReplyDeleteThis board clearly documents the quality of our modern education system with creative spelling and the inability to express an insult without stooping to base language. Read of Sir Winston Churchill if you wish to learn how to insult a person with some real class.
ReplyDeleteI can appreciate that people have tatoos because they want them and they have every right to do so. But if you want something people will see, then it is also the viewers right to criticise them. All the tattoos shown above look crap. They may have chosen something from a work of art or for a personal reason but they look crap. Awful, dire and crap. If someone has a styled haircut they want people to look at it and it looks crap, I laugh. Same for tattoos. They may look like dickheads and fools but that is their right. And it is our right to venerate these freaks for the tasteless idiots they are.
WOW, looking @ these pix makes me wonder how much that stuff had to hurt.........
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the dude with the fully totooed face? Good luck ever getting a job again....
The Linkin Park tatoo is acceptable, they seriously rock!!!!
So many tattoos, so little room.
ReplyDeleteYep, goldenpalace.com is real. it was done at SI TATTOOING in Salt Lake City, by Tattoo artist Don Brouse.
ReplyDeleteSure alot of crap is urban legend, but sometimes the crap is true.
"In 2002, a hard-up eBayer whipped out his todger in an attempt to secure a penile sponsorship deal. In that case, however, the worst that could come of it is that the chap's long-suffering girlfriend would have to have GoldenPalace.com rammed down her throat a couple of times a month."
This story I'm not so sure about.
Oh, and in her defense, i am sure we ALL would sell our forehead for the right price. hers was just a little low.
ReplyDeleteI have been truly disgusted by everything that i have read here. not only by the self-rightious tattoo hating conservative discerning pricks, but also by the illiterate mass of tattoo enthususiasts who can't put a sentence together to save their life.....which seems sort of fishy.
ReplyDeleteIs this comment blog only reaching the dumbest tattoo advocates that have access to the internet........or..... which makes more sense........is the condescending fucking loser who started this completely rediculous page altering their spelling and grammar in an effort to fulfill his self-serving prophecy by making people with tattoes actually sound unintelligent and academically inferior......i'm going to side with the latter of the two theories......however, if true, i just fell victim to this bullshit anyway.
jimmy buffet is the worst musician in the world
ReplyDeletey get a tatoo if you "can hide it"!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's a naked Indian girl on a corndog.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are hilarious. If you're going to get a tattoo, get one that is meaningful and something that you won't regret. I believe everyone has a right to do what they so desire(as long as it is within the realms of the law of course)Also, I highly doubt getting a tattoo will keep you out of heaven. God is not going to persecute you for it. Goodnight all.
ReplyDeleteHi Guys,
ReplyDeleteTatoos are for stupid people - It's like painting or sticking flames down the side of your car. It may seem like a good idea at the time (well only to a very few people, thank god) but really it's a stupid idea. It won't improve the car or make it go faster, it just makes people look at the car and think - That bloke is a dickhead. Same for tatoos.
The guy with the cocks on his back should have one put on his forehead, to remove all doubt.
By the way - God Doesn't exist. He was made up to surpress the masses from uprising and taking the wealth back from the few rich people.
But hey - do and believe whatever you want - it only makes life funnier for the rest of us !
Now we're going to get to the topic of God. To the jackass who wrote the last comment. It's funny how you ramble on about comparing flame decals on the sides of people's cars and compare it with tattoos. And you further add,"It may seem like a good idea at the time(Well only to a very few people, thank God) but really it's a stupid idea." And then you go on to write like the clueless fuck you are, "By the way- God doesn't exist." Oh yeah, you sound pretty insecure too. I totally agree with the person who wrote the paragraph two statements back. God does exist!
ReplyDeleteyeah - getting a tatto is just plain stupid. And when you get older - it will just look even worse.
ReplyDeletehow could you NOT regret something so Ugly, I don't get it
ReplyDeleteHoly shit. i understand the fact that these few people and probably many other got "bad tattoos." but im sure they were good for them, but that doesnt matter, other people have the right to make fun of them same as they do to get the tattoo. but saying that evryone who has a tattoo is fucking prejudice. a black guy steals your TV, yeah hate that black guy. dont hate every black guy. so yeah, i wouldnt get these tattoos, but i wouldnt get a tattoo if it didnt have somehitng to do with me. i have a tattoo and i love it. it reminds me of the last few days with my friend before he left, so fuck all you prejudice people.
ReplyDeleteLasers to the rescue!
the guy with the little boy tattoo on his arm, that's ok, if that's his son & he wants to reinforce his love for him. although i think the best way to show that u love someone is to take good care of em & love em.
ReplyDeletethe heavily-inked face is totally gross. people with heavily-inked faces no longer look human
those are terrible...
ReplyDeleteI don't think the corndog indian should be here though...that is just classic and hilarious.
did anyone notice the rat creature at the bottom of the roses (little boy holding roses tattoo)?????
ReplyDeleteLot more really bad tattoos here:
Those definately are some bad tattoos. There is a great little Tattoo shop here on our island. Eye Candy Ink. The gal that owms the shop is an awesome artist. She did a couple of interesting pieces for me and I'm more than happy. I will be seeing her for more in the near future. Banana Joe
ReplyDeletewhat`s wrong with some of you!its not because somebody have a tattoo that don`t fit in youre imagination
ReplyDeletethat it means its bad,if its what they want,let them be,please!
Here is the skinny, if you don't understand the whole tat concept then it realy can't be explained, there is more to it then just getting a picture on your skin if you ask the people they will more then likely tell you a meaning behind the tat. some people do get tats do get ones they regret but not all and realy if some one wants their whole head tattooed what is it hurting you?
ReplyDeleteYou just took all these pics from here - http://ueba.net/hosted_pages/Bad-Tatoos-20060520
ReplyDeleteI love tattoos and i want a maori design on my face (chin) but i can't find a tattoo artist to do that. If anyone can help me please send me a mail at mariantattoo@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, let the people do what they fell like. It shouldn't be anyone elses business but theirs. I would like to see the kid who made this website, apparently he/she is perfect and obiviously everyone should care about his/her opinion....pfff
ReplyDelete"In my opinion, let the people do what they fell like. It shouldn't be anyone elses business but theirs. I would like to see the kid who made this website, apparently he/she is perfect and obiviously everyone should care about his/her opinion....pfff"
ReplyDeleteWhat the fek are you talking about? These fuds should be locked up, if they're not already!! !GOLDEN PALACE.COM?????!
Do you have a Shite Tat?? What have you got on your forehead? Maybe you would like a Tat? Well come over here and I'll TATTOO MA BOOT RIGHT UP YIR ARSE!!!
i have 3 small tats and 2 larger tats 1 on each leg and i love them to pieces! thing is i got each one at different times and so each one reminds me of a faze of my life. plus it's nice to know only a few people out there know what i look like with no clothes on! compared to the non tattooed who all look the same!
ReplyDeletep.s. i have an I.Q. of 141 i'm not an idiot i'm a manager of part of a company and own my own internet company on the side.
of and my the way it doesn't make you look big and cleaver to correct people on their spelling or gramma, it's just you trying to over compensate for something you lack by making yourself out to be so fucking cleaver; i know mines not correct but thats just to irritate some of you!
Is it really worth bitching about someone's opinion of tattoos on a website?
ReplyDeleteNot so much.
The guy with the tat of the kid holding flowers? That kid kid is him, or his kid.
ReplyDeleteremember those 'this is your brain on drugs' commercials?
ReplyDeletepretty sure he stepped it up with the eggs and such.
ok, the indian chick isnt humping a pogo stick, its clearly a corn dog which makes the tattoo so much funnier
ReplyDeleteTatoos are silly. How can you decide on something you think is going to be cool for the rest of your life. You have to spend the rest of your life telling yourself, "Yeah, I still think it's cool, and it is cool! It was so worth it"
ReplyDeleteits not about being cool at least not for me or anyone i know or have met. every one of my tattoos mean something to me for example i have a blue bird because my grandpa loved them, it doesnt matter if other people understand what they mean. but i do agree that there are some really really stupid tattoos out there but to each there own i guess there the ones who have to live with it!
for the person who wrote whats above next time you meet someone with a tattoo instead of thinking " what an idiot" ask them why they got it, mabey then you will respect it cuz most people have meanings behind there tattoos.
I don't like the implication that getting a tattoo is a stupid decision. Tattoos are great. What's the point in putting these people down? Why don't you people do something good for the world instead of worrying about the choices of others that have no negative impact on your lives? 'm sure you all make stupid decisions daily, shopping at Wal-Mart for instance is a much more idiotic act.
ReplyDeletewow. guy with the tatoo all over his face. who wouldnt regret that?!\
ReplyDeleteoh..and to dude that left the last comment..i love tatoos and i guess you do too but are you SERIOUSLY implying that these arent horrific?!
shopping at wal-mart is a far more better choice. -jennifer
I see someone else already said it bu the i'll say it too.. the indian girl is hanging on a fucking corndog. even more ridiculous!
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you all have to realise that the world is filled with more idiots than smart people...but my main concern is, IS THE TATTOO ARTIST AT THE PROSESSIONAL SHOP OUT OF HIS TREE? I WOULD DEFINATELY TURN THOSE IDEAS DOWN IF I WAS A TATTOO ARTIST!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG, that are some bad motives to choose.
ReplyDeleteI actually think tattoos can be very pretty if the right motive is placed at the right spot.
But that here is just pure ugly..
Btw. I realized that people in europe get a lot less colorful and crazy motives..
Theres a lot of black and white art done.
I think the Indian maiden with Corndog is from a Robt Williams oil painting ( see Juxtapoz magazine or Zap comix)
ReplyDeleteAlthough this is old I had to say something about food tattoos- it's possible people get them because they are cooks or chefs. It's what they love, so what makes it different than someone getting a loved one's picture or a cross or even a tribal sign?
ReplyDeleteI am looking for people to tattoo our website on their back or sholder, I have one and would like to get more like this,
I thought it funny that the narrator called the star wars tattoos "from episode 1" if you're going to make fun of someone, at least do some research. Due to the shabbiness of the Star Wars tattoo makes me think that he probably got it when the movie came out around the 70's.
ReplyDeleteDid you guys notice that the indian maiden is on a corn dog, not a pogo stick? That is even wierder. I think that the cheesburger next to the palm tree is in reference to Jimmy Buffet's "Cheesburger in Paradise." Do you guys notice I am a fucking idiot who does not know how to read?
ReplyDeleteI think that guy with the full face tattoo is a professor of communications at Univ. of New Mexico.
ReplyDeleteomg. all of u get over it. it was there decision 2 make. they obviously wanted them. there the ones that gotta live with it for the rest of there lives. so there most likely happy with them or they wouldnt have got them. Leave them alone, there probably individuals and dont care wat other people think. I do agree that they are silly but we shouldnt be the ones that worry about them cos its not our body and we dont have to live with it, do we...
ReplyDeleteMy guess the one of the kid in the picture on the guys arm is a tribute in some way. He either loves the pic and his son or something tragic happened to him and he wants to memorialize him. To each his own
ReplyDeleteyeah these tattoos are stupid...but these people have to live with them, not us. so if that's what they want, then that's fine with me...i'm not going to tell someone after they've gotten the tattoo that it's stupid. but if they show me a drawing and it is retarded like some of these, then yes i would say that they should rethink what they are getting.
The guy with the picture of the boy is very likely his son who passed away or some such. It's pretty low to attack him over that
ReplyDeleteOkay this one has got to be the worst tat ever! Scroll down a bit till you get to the tat of the mermen.
I would have to say that people should just not call eachother names and all agree to disagree. I have Tattoos that I love cause i took the time to think about them, I have a couple that i don't hate but I know they were done by a crappy artist, but luckily there are things called inovations. Recking balm google it it may get rid of that nasty tattoos u hate or fade it enough to get it covered by a beautiful work of art. I don't think that people are stupid to get tattoos, I think people sometimes don't think when they want something and don't take the time to choose an artist that is good and has expierience. If ur gonna get a Tat go to the parlour ask to see a portfilio, ask how long they have been in business, and if the price sounds to good to be true then don't get it by that person. Tattoos are expensive for a reason.
ReplyDeletedid anyone ever think that the native girl with the corn dog might signifie a native carnie? Just a Guess.
What business is it of yours and why do you care?!?
ReplyDeletethe chick on the corndog is from a robert williams painting. it makes sense if you know the artist, but i don't see why someone would get a tat of it.
ReplyDeletethat forehead tattoo is real:
I still cannot believe it!
I have lots of tattoos. i love them all. always will, some of them dont have meanings they were just spur of the moment things but there was a reason why i got the one i did. Ive seen lots of funny ass tattoos. Friends and ppl ive met. I think the best ones were Bin Laden being beaten and Tony Montana. But that M.J. with the little boy thats just not right. WHY??
ReplyDeletethis page is deliciously awful....thank you so much for the laughs!
ReplyDeleteFor the record. In Canada Corn Dogs are called Corn dogs. And pogo sticks are something you jump around on...
ReplyDeleteThe Indian girl/corn dog tattoo is a replica to a pop art painting.
ReplyDeleteThat website-face woman is so terrible...I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE IS SAYING SHE DID THAT TO HER SELF FOR HER CHILD!! (Sorry for yelling) So, she's trying to improve the kid's lot in life? Imagine looking at your mother's face every day and seeing that she disfigured herself...for money...for you? And what private school is less than $10,000 a year? What happens then? The cheeks? The chin?
ReplyDeleteI have tattoos, and will get more, the stuff others do is just laughs for me; there is a site; "Skin Burning Tattoos"
ReplyDelete"I'm with you. All tattoos whether they are done in jail or by a professional artist that charges hundreds of dollars an hour to pollute the only skin that God gave you with colored ink are shit! I can vouch for that because I have two very large tattoos on the arms and I very well regret it! One is a multicolored flying dragon,(does that make me a devil worshiper?) and the other is a black panther fighting with two green snakes on a rock with palm trees on it.(does that mean I'm a zoo employee?) Both of them look like shit because the so called professional tattoo artists I paid my hard earned money to could not draw worth a fuck! But most of them are all dead thank goodness! I paid about $500.00 for this cream I found on the internet that's supposed to fade the tattoos and make them dissappear and all it does is make my arm stink like a dead insect and makes my skin get rash! Nine months and no result. I am stuck with this tattoo trash for life! All you tattoo artists out there who charge about as much as a fuckin' down payment on a house for your worthless "tattoos" especially you female 'bitch' tattoo artists out there should take up another profession and that's not forgetting about you sick body piercers and branders either, all of you should stop taking people's hard earned money in exchange for ruining their bodies. Become lawyers or doctors or something useful because all of you suck! Keep your site going strong so it might encourage all these bad decision makers like myself not to ruin their bodies for life with this tattoo garbage! "
ReplyDeleteWell, buyer beware. Do your research.
I appreciate this site because just today I was thinking of getting a tat. I don't think I will be, but by the way the naked Native women is hugging on to what is called in Canada a pussy willow. It's a plant that grows wild in the prairie. Not a poggo stick.
ReplyDeletenice work, compiling that lot!
ReplyDeletehowever, if you wanna see a really bad tattoo? check this out! - i think for sheer waste of ink and "no way will you *ever* be able to cover this up!"-ness, it beats most of the ones here [except maybe that saucy minx in the bikini!]
in response to:
ReplyDelete...I have two very large tattoos on the arms and I very well regret it! One is a multicolored flying dragon,(does that make me a devil worshiper?) and the other is a black panther fighting with two green snakes on a rock with palm trees on it.(does that mean I'm a zoo employee?) Both of them look like shit because the so called professional tattoo artists I paid my hard earned money to could not draw worth a fuck!... I am stuck with this tattoo trash for life! All you tattoo artists out there who charge about as much as a fuckin' down payment on a house for your worthless "tattoos" especially you female 'bitch' tattoo artists out there should take up another profession and that's not forgetting about you sick body piercers and branders either, all of you should stop taking people's hard earned money in exchange for ruining their bodies. Become lawyers or doctors or something useful because all of you suck!...
yes, there are a lot of pretty abysmal 'artists' out there, making good living as tattooists, but instead of blaming them, maybe you should point the [badly drawn] finger at the fucktard who paid hundreds of $$$s to some talentless needle-jockey to scrawl all over their skin in the first place - presumably without doing any prior research like ...er... "can i see examples of your other work?" or even... "could you draw it on paper first, so i can see what it might turn out like?"
and that "fucktard", was you!
the fact that you've also been so mentally retarded as to think you can remove your tattoos by rubbing some magic creme on them, that you bought over the internet for $500 [!!!] indicates to me that you're the kind of person who's not mentally equipped to make lifetime decisions such as getting a tattoo, in the first place.
..Interesting how all the negative comments are form enonymous people...
ReplyDelete...I'm with ya gerard, the only people posting ignorant things are annon......
d'uh! - you have to post anonymously unless you have a blogger ID
and BTW, it's "anonymous" and the abbreviation is "anon" - interesting how all the idiotic comments come from illiterate people!
I recently got some new ink and am shocked at the damage my skin is in I have 15 tats and this one has been the worst. within a 10"inch tatto there is 7 drag wounds. deep ones ! It is heeling now ,but will need to be redone. I was thinking of going back to the guy that did it,but thought better of it,I mean come on,more wounds on top of the ones I have. No Way! The Tattooiest that did it Rob from Damaged Ink in Spanaway Washington.
ReplyDeleteI have 5 tattoos, but i actally thought about it before i went & got them, did these people think at all??
ReplyDeleteThe Native American woman wrapped lasciviously around the corndog is copy of a detail from a Robert Williams painting. I'm too lazy to look up what painting it is from but I have it in a book on the shelf over there.
ReplyDeleteThe Indian Maiden wrapped lasciviously around the corndog is a copy of a detail from a Robert Williams painting. I'm too lazy to look up the title for you but I have it in a book of his paintings on the shelf over there.
ReplyDeleteI actually know the guy who has the Michael Jackson tattoo. If you think that is the worst one....you're wrong, he was in Savage tattoo magazine in November of '06. You'd just have to know him. Oh, and people get tattoos for the same reasons dogs lick their balls.....because they can.
ReplyDeleteFuck it you only live once, do what ever you want with your life as you never know whats round the corner, But must agree that some of the ink done here is a bit random. But as I said you only live once live it how you want to ! Corn
ReplyDeleteAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the masses . . . you DO have to admire their often times desperate attempts to set themselves apart from others. The DDDOA is DEFINITELY working in America.
ReplyDeletePeople have been getting tattooed since the beginning of time, and not everyone that has a tattoo gets one to "be cool". Those of you who think that people who get tattoos are all unintelligent and moronic are just ignorant. There are many ways to expressing yourself, and tattoos are just one of them. The clothing you wear and the way you wear your hair expresses something about you as well. So to say that people who cut their hair a certain way are unintelligent is completely judgemental and stereotypical. If you DON'T like tattoos, DON'T get one!! And if you DO get a tattoo, make sure it is something that you can't live without!
ReplyDeleteonly god can judge us
ReplyDeleteHow ignorant and prejudiced does someone have to be to actually go on a website and criticize and shit talk about all people who have tattoos? Learn to be more accepting. Yes, these people on this website have some of the most ridiculous and ugliest tattoos we've ever seen, but not all tattoos are bad. It's all a matter of opinion. As cheesy as it is, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. How does a person's hairstyle, clothing, piercings, and tattoos depict their personality? It doesn't. Grow up.
ReplyDeleteInk is personal...you like it or you don't. Yeah, there are some messed up tattoos out there, but for the most part, people are stoked about there tattoos.
ReplyDeleteBehindTheInk.com has a ton of crazy people with good, bad and ugly tattoos. Come check it out.
ReplyDeletefor more bad bad bad tattoos go to this site:
it also had a list of good ones and great ones.
hahaha, GOLD!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait till the breakfast head guy balds
ReplyDeleteLook at this 'art':
And this... this is supposed to be Maori!
I predict some-one regretting this tattoo:
If this isn't the work of the devil, then I don't know what is:
Not everyone in Canada calls them pogo sticks... pogo is a brand name for a corn dog here I believe, everyone I know calls them corn dogs.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say these are some ugly, idiotic tattos, and unfortunately, i have seen worse. However, i have nine tattoos, and i have something to say to these tattoo bashers.
ReplyDeleteMost people who get tattoos do think about it beforehand. Eight of mine are the names or initials of my children. There is NOTHING ugly or stupid about that. And to the big man bashing the women tattoo artists, not only was my last tattoo done by a woman, so was my Husband's first tattoo, and he refuses to have anyone but this same woman do his next tattoo.
Also, if some jerk thinks you need to dump a woman before. or because she wants or has a tattoo, then, woman, he's not worth it. Makes me think some of these guys have issues with real women, or maybe they get rejected a lot, and so are resentful of men that are sure of a womans talent and secure enough in their relationships not to bail on woman with her own opion.
If you want a tattoo, think it through, make your choice, and go from there. If you don't like them, don't treat us like we're inferior because we do. Most of them are painless anyway, if should suffer from dimentia in my later years, at least i know my children will still be with me.
I just want to say these are some ugly, idiotic tattos, and unfortunately, i have seen worse. However, i have nine tattoos, and i have something to say to these tattoo bashers.
ReplyDeleteMost people who get tattoos do think about it beforehand. Eight of mine are the names or initials of my children. There is NOTHING ugly or stupid about that. And to the big man bashing the women tattoo artists, not only was my last tattoo done by a woman, so was my Husband's first tattoo, and he refuses to have anyone but this same woman do his next tattoo.
Also, if some jerk thinks you need to dump a woman before. or because she wants or has a tattoo, then, woman, he's not worth it. Makes me think some of these guys have issues with real women, or maybe they get rejected a lot, and so are resentful of men that are sure of a womans talent and secure enough in their relationships not to bail on woman with her own opion.
If you want a tattoo, think it through, make your choice, and go from there. If you don't like them, don't treat us like we're inferior because we do. Most of them are painless anyway, if should suffer from dimentia in my later years, at least i know my children will still be with me.
dis guys or gals are crazy man... i'm sure they would regret sooner or later.... but if it's removable tattooes... dats funny~ ahakz!