Monday, July 16, 2007

Astar the robot: I can put my arm back on you can't 1980's War Amps PSA

First off I have to say that I have been searching for this PSA for a long long time. I even emailed the War Amps a few different times to try and obtain a copy but to no avail. So I am really glad that it is now online and available for all to view. I am happy that I am able to share it with you and offer a bit of info for those not in the know.

Anyone that grew up in the 1980's in Ontario (possibly all of Canada...possibly the US as well... I'm not sure) will remember this spot. Not only because it was played a lot when we were growing up but because I don't think that anyone who saw this PSA even once would ever forget it. This is by far the greatest and most effective PSA ever created in my opinion. Growing up I never knew anyone who lost a limb and I like to think that Astar is directly responsible for that.

Even as a kid this commercial creeped me out and raised many questions. 2 things that I could never figure out: Is Astar a male or female? And does Astar cut off his/her arm off on purpose? Or is it an accident? Knowing that he/she can put their arm back on I always wondered if he/she did it on purpose for our benefit (ya know as the lesson trying to be taught).

But I think what I find most confusing that I only really realize now watching the video (probably a concept that my childhood brain couldn't properly wrap itself around) is the question of Astar's existence in relation to the planet that he/she lives on. Is the planet inhabited by Astar and other robots? Do the spinning blades and saws and other dangerous items acutaly serve some sort of a purpose? Are they a part of some elaborate factory that is producing something? Is Astar supposed to be playing in this area? It is understood that Astar cannot get hurt so is it acceptable for he/she and other robots to just come and go as they please in these dangerous areas? Or is Astar a rebel? We don't see any other robots or companions with Astar. Is Astar the sole inhabitant of this planet? I guess in general how does that planet fit into our (or its) universe? It would be great to see some sort of back story.

Seriously though this is the greatest PSA of all time.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Totally great commercial.
    Wasn't there a CGI or animated one a couple of years ago?

  2. I remember this one of a girl saying "I want to be a ballerina when I grow up."

    Then they showed this girl all messed up on the drugs whirling out of control, eyes rolled back with freaky music in the back ground, and the announcer says, "Nobody ever says, 'I want to be a junkie when I grow up.'"

    It pretty much scared me shitless and is probably the reason I've never wanted to date a ballerina.

  3. What the fuck? That was the weirdest thing ever. Made me laugh though. I think he/she got his/her cut off on accident. I like how you put so much thought into this video.

    And I really like how you mention "in Ontario (possibly all of Canada...possibly the US as well... I'm not sure)"

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Astar is an "it"...and/or possibly had his junk cut off by radom saws....wait, that doesn't work, because he could put his junk back on...If it was a girl I would think it's name would be Astra??
    I can't view the clip as I am at work, but from what I remember, I would deduct that Astra is most definatly a rebel child robot on his planet, playing somewhere he shouldn't have been. Compare it to children here on earth playing at in a construction zone.
    It's not that hard to assume the planet is actually earth in the future after the robots/computers and turning our children into slaves building more robots.

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I was just watching the newer version of this PSA and comparing it to the original. They changed the feel of the message in the new version too much. I was freaked out as a kid and it totally affected me. It reminds me of the PSA where the worker on the contruction site isn't wearing safety glasses and a piece of a nail flies up and gets him in the eye. PSA in the 80s in Ontario were all business.

  6. This was defenitly Canada wide. I remember watching this growing up in New Brunswick. Still gives me that weird feeling.

  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    For god sake this is so INSANE :D I love it :D thank's for the video ;) !

  8. I wonder who created this PSA? It's a stunning piece of art! I grew up watching it in small town Saskatchewan. It's not a video you forget! The sounds, the visuals, the mood it sets... All very cool.

  9. I've been looking for this forever!
    Thank you so much, I'm posting it immediately.
    I lived in Alberta and this scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. I didn't even want to walk NEAR an auger for fear it would chop off my limbs!

  10. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I love this PSA. When I was a kid this really resonated with me. It deserves an award.

    Many thanks for finding it and posting!

    ps: I'm in Manitoba so it definitely was Canada-wide.

  11. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I wasn't born at this point...but I do remember when MuchMusic had war amps psa's. They were always dark and confusing with robots not like astar, but rather faceless, weird human mixed things that generally gave me a bad feeling. I also remember not knowing what the fuck the ad was, what it was for, or anything about it...and I was the prime age they were advertising to, a young child, so wtf...
    This astar one gives me the creeps as well. Also, if you watch closely near the begginning, you can see some cars/trucks on the clearly, Astar is not alone!

  12. Anonymous9:30 AM

    My personal questions are:
    1) where the fuck does astar come from in the beginning?
    2) what is that horrible noise?
    3) how does he get out of that...saw...factory with only one arm?

  13. Anonymous4:20 AM

    just want to say that you're the man :P I totally remember this growing up (as a fellow Ontarian) and do you remember the cool CG music making objects videos shown on YTV? with the random orbs and horns and stuff that would come together to make a song? and this post made my day, I'm studying for an exam I have in like 4 hours and this made it that much better :-)

  14. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Are you sure it was in the 80s? I remember it being more recent than that. And the graphics look at little better than 80s quality.
    But you are correct - with that weird vacant chubby-cheeked baby face, Astar is way creepy


  15. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Isn't this the newer version of the ad? I remember the one in the 80's and I don't think this is it? Can someone clarify? Thanks.

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    This is definitely the original. Thew new one added to the script. In the new version he says "I'm Astar, a robot from Planet Danger"

  17. To answer a few questions for you all...

    1. Astar is from Planet Danger.
    2. Yes, This is the original PSA from the 80's.
    3. Astar hasn't been in a PSA for a while, we mostly concentrate on showcasing real Child Amputees whos lost a limb in an accident, cause that message can hit home too.
    4. You asked how he got out of the saw factory with only one arm? Well, if you pay attention to the PSA and the point of the message, he is a robot who can put his arm back on... so... he puts his arm back on and then leaves.
    5. The War Amps of Canada is the name of the registered charitable organization so yes, its Canada Wide.
    6. It did win awards.
    7. Astar may be making a comeback soon...

    I am CHAMP. That means I'm part of the War Amps, I grew up missing my left arm below the elbow. I am a big part of what the War Amps do know. The War Amps made me who I am today...

    PLAYSAFE kids....

  18. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Absolutely affected me as a child. And, I completely forgot about it until about 15 minutes ago when I saw an image macro of ASTARs face and it all came rolling back to me. I immediately googled I can put my arm back on, you cant. Most. Effective. I attribute my forgetfulness to having moved from Victoria to Louisiana about 17 years ago. Other than that I will be eternally scarred by this campaign. But at least it's just emotional, not physical. Thanks, War Amps!
