Thursday, June 22, 2006

Jesus: With you Always

If you've never been to the Jesus: With you always site you should check it out.


  1. Hilarious. These drawings are far more enjoyable with your talk bubbles!

  2. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Jesus is kinda scary. Why does he keep stalking us? Why is he so codependent?

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM


    jesus is totally standing over my shoulder as i write this.

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    When upon your advice I visited the "Jesus:with you always" site, I expected more of this clever genius' HILARIOUS drawings and captions. My, was I suprised to learn that this shit is supposed to inspire me or something. It only made it more funny. I will share this truly moving website with the masses. The word shall be spread.

  5. I have to completely disagree with StarSmoothie, who I presume is referring to the "bad tattoos" pictures.
    Now, how they can say that "having fun n their body, how they physically look isn't their main concern or their ink really means something"....
    I really want them to look at those beautiful dolphin or tiger tattoos and ask themselves how much it must mean to that person.

    Anyways, back on track, I, like Anonymous went to the website, hoping to see some more funny drawings, but no! Just really creepy ones! Fair enough the guy can draw...but he can also provide you with some entertainment, and in return, provide me with ALOT. It will also entertain my flatmates when they come home. So to StarSmoothie, EACH TO THEIR OWN!

    I choose mocking :)

  6. Anonymous2:06 AM

    These were copied from a thread on

  7. The web-site displaying the "Jesus, With You Always" drawings by Larry Van Pelt has been relocated to:

    Please update your link to the site.

    God bless you,
    Larry Van Pelt

    It had previously been located at:

    However, AOL is closing down their web hosting service as of 31 October 2008
