Companies spend millions and millions of dollars to try and get their logos tattooed on our brains and some people literally get the logos tattooed on their bodies. Unbelievable.
This tat is much scarier than the movie the Shining.
The year 2077:
Kid: Hey Grandpa whats this tattoo you have?
Old man: Thats Britney Spears.
Kid: Who?
Old man: She was a famous pop singer 70 years ago, but this tattoo is a joke.
Kid: I don't get it?
Old man: Well, there was a week in 2006 when she went crazy... it was in all the newspapers and she SHAVED HER HEAD!! Also one of her hit songs was called "Oops I did it again". So I combined the two.
Kid: Your jokes are stupid..... Whats a newspaper?
Jesus Loves you but he hates your shitty tattoo.
Check out:
Really Bad Tattoos Part 1
Really Bad Tattoos Part 2
REally Bad Tattoos Part 3
Really Bad Tattoos Part 4
Really Bad Tattoos Part 5
Really Bad Tattoos Part 6
Really Bad Tattoos Part 8
There is only one of those tattoos which I think is creatively interesting, and it is that pillsbury doughboy one... that one really stands out for me because it is just so weird.
ReplyDeletepillbury doughboy fucking little debbie. funny & disturbing all in 1... but it's creative. are they trying to say "fuck little debbie! pillbury is better"?
ReplyDeleteSkid, I <3 the Ray Romano tattoo.
ReplyDeleteYou nutty girl.
ReplyDeleteI came across these last night and when I was at work today I was just thinking about the bikini woman tattoo/caption and laughing out loud.
He took a step back and said to himself "Another job well done".
Honestly, some of those tattoos are kinda cool. One thing is for certain: no one else will have the same thing! LOL
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not one to talk. I have a tattoo of a melting ice cube on my ankle. I like being a bit odd...
Tattoos are a personal thing and just casue they seem dumb to you or me it may make perfect senc to the owner. they probally have meaning to someone even if it is i was drunk, all though i was sobar when i got my tatto done. who are we to jugde someone elses tattoo it they like it it all thay matter right.
ReplyDeleteoh if you worndering how i can across this site ti was forward to me by a tattoo member site.
This site is fucking awesome, some hilarious tattoos out there!
ReplyDeletei always get so sad when i come to the end of this page....i wish it would go on forever. bless their hearts and their bad tattoos.
ReplyDeleteKeep 'em coming! we want more worthless tats (:
ReplyDeletesarah watson wants the Britney Spears one - its on her xmas list...
ReplyDeleteThere are countless number of reasons why people get tattoos. Some can't be explained. For someone who dosen't even have a tattoo it appears that you sure spent a hell of a lot of time finding pictures and commenting on them. Tattoos don't ALWAYS have to have some deep meaning or something that you base your life around. Ironically those tattoos are usually end up being the worst ones. As lame as a tattoo might be to you or someone else with nothing to do but post pictures of other people and talk about them on the internet, Those tattoos might remind those people of a time in their lives, no matter how short that time may have of been. One moth, week or night. Getting tattooed is a hobby, just like collecting jewelry or stamps or anything. Some people collect tattoos!! So you, being someone who has zero tattoos are an incredibly ignorant person, talking about, and spending so much time researching and writing about something that you obviously know NOTHING about. Ever heard the expression "To Each His Own"? I didn't think so. The world would be a lot better place without morons like you bashing people for being themselves. Why not start a blog about something you actually know about next time. You might come off as being a little smarter, you asshole.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that your comparison between movies & music relates too much to tattoos. I think what your doing is MORE like writing a movie review on a movie that you never saw. Anyway if you read a horrible review on a movie that you really wanted to see, would you not go see it after that? Would you really let someone else form an opinion for you? The fact is that you have zero tattoos yet you dedicated plenty of your time to to something you know nothing about. You don't know any of those people or their reasons for doing what they did. I think it's a damn shame that your exploiting those people just so you and some other fools can talk about them on the internet. Why not go to a local tattoo shop and tell some people there what you think about them, because it's so easy to hide behind your keyboard and monitor. I bet you would never say to their faces the things you wrote about them . This is so much fun for you. Isn't it?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all the views represented in the comments do not necessarily reflect my views (this sites views). Second spending 5 mins every couple of months to post pics of Tats that people send me doesn't really constitute a lot of time and effort.
ReplyDeleteI will say that I do partially agree with the poster who responded to you. The movie/music review is pretty apt. To say that you have to do something before you can have an opinion of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I've never smoked meth before but by looking at people who do it I can say "well looks like something I'm not interested in".
Also you are taking the things written on a humor website far too seriously. I have a feeling you have several tattoos that you regret otherwise you wouldn't be taking it so personally.
I've had more than one person say that they we're about to get a tattoo but after seeing these they we're going to spend a bit more time thinking about it. Thats definitely a good thing.
This is the best collection of stupid tattoos I have ever seen! You hit the proverbial nail on the head! Just how much crack does one have to smoke before he can become one of these "Bitchin'" Tatt designers? The bikini girl tattoo was rich!! Where can I find a toothless dirty(nice shading)chubby girl with plastic fingers? Probably hanging out with the guy that hangs boat anchors from his schlong ring(don't forget the scary face). PLEASE find some more trailer park tattoos! I think the IQ's of these people probably equal the average tooth count in a Tennessee trailer park.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I'm glad the guy with the Green Day tattoo included the name so you could figure out who the hell was in the tattoo.
ReplyDeleteOk, y'all just have to know that some of these tattoos are less an expression of someone's inner demons than just too much liquor or too much crack - or both, possibly combined with peer pressure and a severe personality disorder or possibly some schizophrenia. LOL I have a bit of body art myself and have never in one instant regretted my decision to get what I have. I can assure you, however, that though tattoos are supposed to age like a classic automobile (touch them up after a few years and they're good as or better than new), these particular ones will age like milk.
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing at these morons and I have tats. I'm rolling on the floor at them and anyone who would do something so f*ed up to their body. Sorry, fella, but that's just how the cookie crumbles. You do stupid shit for all the world to see then don't get your panties in a wad when people make fun of you. LOL
I laughed till I cried and almost peed my pants due to that bikini woman plus Roda's description. Thanks for the good times, and keep it up.
ReplyDeleteAs for the person claiming you need to have one before you can critique them, it's almost as if they are unwilling to acknowledge that there could even be such a thing as a bad tattoo. This site is more than enough evidence of that.
Mr. Cool Ice for President in '08! I'm serious! There's a level headed deep thinker.
ReplyDeleteI want to know how to get my tat on here so I can see the commentary on mine!
ReplyDeleteyou can email a pic of your tat to
ReplyDeleteI think that people love or hate tattoos. The author of this site clearly doesn't like them. If you love tattoos you understand that they capture a moment in your life forever. It isn't too important how they look to other people, just how they make you feel. I love tattoos.
ReplyDeleteto the guy who attempted to use logic to argue why we SHOULDN'T make fun of these rancid rags of skin...
ReplyDeleteIndeed some of them are simply impossible to understand without backstory, and may actually have some decent reason to be shown, but most of them are founded in stupidity, or simply VERY horrible work.
Jesus (according to the bible) did NOT have Down's syndrome...I defy you to convince me that the canvas on which that was painted on was happy with the results. I'd say about 60% of the tattoos on these pages are of similar ilk.
Stupid people need to be eradicated...
OMG! did you see the size of the ring on that guys thing in the last one?!?! OUCH! and getting a tattoo on there must hurt too =/
ReplyDeletenice collection... love the ray romano one =D
"Why not go to a local tattoo shop and tell some people there what you think about them, because it's so easy to hide behind your keyboard and monitor. I bet you would never say to their faces the things you wrote about them . This is so much fun for you. Isn't it?"
ReplyDeleteUh yeah, I'd comment.. to their face.. just like I did when I was on active duty. Tats are for weak-willed little wusses who need something outward to show that they're unique.. just like the rest of the morons.
Basically, tats are for retards who mistakenly think we care what they think, as advertised by their sickly little bodies.
1 - This site would be so much more useful if you could provide the artists (or in most of the cases "scratchers") or at least the studios where these tattoos came into their ugly existence...mainly as I have tattoos and would like to avoid such work when planning further ink!!!
ReplyDelete2 - It's the quality of ink that shocked me more than anything, people can get whatever they want but please get a decent artist to execute the idea!
3 - Now I personally think this is an awesome website, and I can't thank my stumble application for landing me on such a gem of a website. However I cannot comprehend why this ignorant bastard would comment such a thing;
"Uh yeah, I'd comment... to their face.. just like I did when I was on active duty. Tats are for weak-willed little wusses who need something outward to show that they're unique.. just like the rest of the morons.
Basically, tats are for retards who mistakenly think we care what they think, as advertised by their sickly little bodies."
(Ignorant Bastard, 2008)
-“Weak willed?” How can one justify that all those with tattoos have weak will power? I'm from England but I assume when referring to your time on "active duty" it was a reference to serving in the I know for a fact that people in the army have tattoos and to be in the army would surely require a lot of will power...c'mon, laying your life down in the name of your country? They are demonstrating just as much will power as you, whether you like it or not! (That is an example just to demonstrate how confused your specific comment is)
-"Who need something outward to show that they're unique.. Just like the rest of the morons?" True, having a tattoo is not unique in the slightest, but moronic? Please don't be so ill informed, yes the tattoos on this website are poor and arguably to get said tattoos of such quality would be moronic...but tarring everyone with tattoos with same brush?...that is a MORONIC sentiment.
-"Basically, tats are for retards who mistakenly think we care what they think, as advertised by their sickly little bodies". Well clearly you care enough to comment on such an issue and with the offensive demeanor of your comment I'd assume you want to offend those with tattoos and obviously want us to know what you think(It’s a two way street)!!! Despite tattoos becoming ever more present in society and more socially acceptable they do have that negative stigma attached, but if I (for example) were to care about what every person negatively thought of my ink I'd have thrown myself under a bus long ago (no one has the will power to put up with that hahaha). I understand you may say that I'm a hypocrite and I do indeed care what you think...I suppose I do in a sense, I try not to let others get a kick out of me but bravo on doing such a thing...hate tattoos all you want but don't stereotype us as retards or weak willed, you sir are up there with racists, sexists and the close minded bigots of the dark ages. Detest as much as you like, at least the site creator isn’t endorsing stereotypes of those with tattoos...he doesn’t agree with the art but least he can freaking accept it!!!
Phew, Rant over!!!
I have to say, opinions differ. And regardless of mine, I have the last hour or so laughing my ass off. Glad I stumbled up here; I will now check regularly. Nice commentary.
ReplyDeleteI've seen some really bad tattoos in my years as a shop owner. Some of them were so pathetic I wanted to cry. It got pretty bad at times, when I let it.
ReplyDeleteThere is no limit to how low bad taste can go.
Tattoos are a personal thing and just casue they seem dumb to you or me it may make perfect senc to the owner. they probally have meaning to someone even if it is i was drunk, all though i was sobar when i got my tatto done. who are we to jugde someone elses tattoo it they like it it all thay matter right.
ReplyDeleteoh if you worndering how i can across this site ti was forward to me by a tattoo member site.
Ok.. whoever wrote this is an absolute moron and can't spell.. and I bet they're just angry they have a tattoo thats worse than every tattoo on here.
i have several tattoos so i feel i CAN say that these tats and their comments are fucking hilarious. keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI find it hilarious that people would get things as these tattooed on their bodies. I have two tattoos, and plan on more, but would never, ever get dr. pepper or mountain dew and certainly not the pillsbury doughboy fucking little debby... Im not a big fan of names either or celebrities or portraits for that matter. I would like to get the siren from the starbucks anniversary blend though, and only because i think that she was drawn magnificantly and because ive worked for starbucks for 5 years and its been the best job ive ever had (only 21yo. I look at some of these tattoos and think to myself, would i ever be desperate enough to do that?!, and i always answer no... and to whoever wrote that a tattoo doesnt have to mean something, they should. its permanent and you should never have to feel ashamed of your ink. you want to have a good reasoning to back it up, or else bigots will always question you...
ReplyDeletehey mr. cool ice!
ReplyDeletePeople seem to get so angry when you talk about these tattoos in a negative, and that they think their opinions in an online 'forum'(whatever the fuck this is) matters. Cute.
ReplyDeleteI wish that this site would be longer, if not just by a few more pages. I love this crap. I do hope to see more pictures and your witty comments.
Hey, do you think Debbie and Doughboy are going to give us a creampie?
ReplyDeletenyuk nyuk nyuk
Oh man, this is just too much.
ReplyDeleteWho are these people... would really like to see one of them in real life.
Increible!! este mundo esta crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
ReplyDeletelo peor el de britney... o bueno varios!
ReplyDeleteMygod. I would love a small Green Day tattoo, but that one is just horrible. If I hadn't seen GREEN DAY at the bottom, I would have thought they were all his gay uncles or something.
ReplyDeletejust one question on the last one. why would you gauge a price charles to that size?
ReplyDelete1) what girl would want a ring that big thrusting inside her.
1)if this charming gentleman ever found a girl who was willing to have relations with that thing there's probably so much scar tissue he's lost almost all sensation in his head.
A truly entertaining collection, thanks! Did you ever see this one? (NSFW)
ReplyDeleteMan What is up with that Ray Ramono tattoo? I bet he had a 1 night stand with her and now she fails to see the humor in the joke? Also where was jesus when that awful portrait was done?
ReplyDeleteJeremiah, he's here:
Otherwise he's dead or never existed.
Last dude's got a nice package there, LOL. Why he'd want to cover up the equipment with that much ink and basically mutilate himself by putting a ring that big through it is beyond me, though.
ReplyDeleteFYI, the ring comes out, or is sized to be the same size as he is erect....a ring like that would actually increase his sensitivity while making it more difficult for him to...uh...finish! :D
ReplyDeletedon't ask me how i know that.