What the hell is that supposed to be? A groundhog?

This is the reason you see some people with their shirts buttoned all the way up to the top button

Why the hell is that dolphin asleep on the sun?

As you can see this tattoo was well worth the pain it would have been getting a tattoo on the fucking palm.

Candy tattoos? Really? Do you really like that shit enough to commit it to yr body for life?

Remember that mediocre movie "The Crow" from like 10 fucking years ago? Well this guy does and he wont forget about it until he dies.

Is that supposed to be Mickey Rourke?

Not Funny! Simply NOT FUNNY!

No Comment.

What's that old expression again? You catch more fish with fire than you do with vinegar? Something like that.

Do you work in a lighthouse? Or do you just like them a lot?

This is about as annoying to look at as getting a mosquito bite so I guess it makes sense.

Did Jeep pay you to advertise for them or are you just an idiot?

you can never have enough tattoos directly on your head. Especially when they're hilarious.

This joke will never get old.

How cute you let your 13 year old design a tattoo for you.

the picture speaks more than words.
Check out:
Really Bad Tattoos Part 1
REally Bad Tattoos Part 3
Really Bad Tattoos Part 4
Really Bad Tattoos Part 5
Really Bad Tattoos Part 6
Really Bad Tattoos Part 7
Really Bad Tattoos Part 8
Those were REALLY bad!! By the way, what is the joke with the corn and the other vegetable??? Did I miss something???
ReplyDeleteThanks :-)
First of all, yes--I'm with Anonymous, I missed the joke, too!
ReplyDeleteDee--you are SO incredibly funny. I mean, your sense of humor is to die for!!! Thank you for that.
And, where do you find these tattoo pictures?? I searched all over the web for more really bad tattoos after your first expose.
Thanks for updating us on the bad tattoos. I think the 'snake' takes the cake as the best 'Worst' tattoo. That's just gross...I feel sorry for the tattoo artist. Yuck!
Furthermore==that must have hurt like hell!!!!
I actually don't know what the veggie joke is, but I can only asume someone would get that because they thought it was funny.
ReplyDeleteas for the source of all these brilliant works of art... that is confidential.
I TOTALLY understand the confidentiality thingy...but PLEASE keep sharing these tattoo disasters with us!
To think that these things are on their bodies for life! Why would somebody want to create such a disaster?! Oh the pain! (Then there's the physical pain too)
ReplyDeleteYou gotta give it to the guy with the dragon. It takes a lot of, ahem, nuts to get your genitalia tattooed!
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, that tat, folks, is but one more reason why I will not become an "artist" of that sort. I just can't imagine taking some guy's nads in my hand for pay. Unless the pay was more like Bill Gates's hourly wage, that is.
That is so not right...
ReplyDeleteThat last one is a real doozy. I can jus this lover now. "Gimme that firebreathing dragon! Show me how high he can fly!"
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, and OUCH! That one must have hurt like crazy!
freaking ouch!
ReplyDeleteSomeone thinks they're hung like a dragon...
ReplyDeleteHmm I think ill take the dragon for a spin! I wonder how fast it flies?...
ReplyDeleteHere's my guess about the vegetable tattoo:
ReplyDeleteThey look like they're supposed to be Veggietales characters. Veggietales is a Christian children's cartoon. The tattoo shows two veggie characters having sex. And maybe it's just me, but they look like they're both male too!
have to say i like the big breakfast on the head - if youre gonna go for it that's pretty fun - and The Crow is a CLASSIC movie in which brandon lee died tragically - if you're gonna rememeber something till you die - it could be worse!!
ReplyDeleteThe lighthouse looks like marker.. not a tat
ReplyDeleteRegarding the snake tattoo, some poor bastard had to do that for him.
ReplyDeleteThat dragon cock is the best thing i've ever seen in my life!
ReplyDeleteOk, A dragon dick? Weird. And, the veggitales one, the brocolli's a woman, and the corn is a male.How do I know? Look at the Broccoli's Pubic area.. HAIRY!!!!1!!!11!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm still trying to figure out what that one thing is right after the lighthouse. It looks like it might be some religious thing.
ReplyDeleteThat dragon cock is just, ugh. I feel so bad for the artist.
Some.. are just amazing.. e.g. the spider one! BEAUTIFUL some are just... freaky... e.g. dragon...
ReplyDeleteSome are just plain.. poorly done.. e.g. dolphin. :-D
The end.
the 'artist' who did the lighthouse one should be shot, seriously, they are deffo in the wrong job and the Mickey rourke one... dont they draw the image on b4 they tatoo it?? the customer must of been blind or unconscious cos someone was taking the piss with that...
ReplyDeleteand...well...i dont understand how they did the dragon because it couldnt of been done whilst...limp...i bet it looks like a load of rotten vegtables when it shrivles up =s
The dragon one is awesome and cute. And the Spider web tattoo is very well done.
ReplyDeleteI think the dragon cock is hot, and I think the breakfast head guy was prolly referring to a "this is your brain on drugs" moment with the eggs on the head...just a thought....:)
ReplyDeleteA dick covered in bright toxic ink? Now, there's a guy who won't be having much sex unless his partners are stoned out of their minds. And, I think he can forget about blowjobs.
ReplyDeleteThe Crow movie rocked. It still rocks, its ok if its not your fave but i know lots of ppl with crow tats. That movie, along with comics and books is still kick ass. The spider tat was hot. Other wise I like your site. Hope one day Ill make on to it
ReplyDeleteIt puts a whole new slant on "Enter The Dragon"...
ReplyDeleteThe broccoli is a bush..
ReplyDeletethe corn is a stalk...
think really REALLY hard.
yeah, I know.
Broccoli is a BUSH
ReplyDeleteCorn is a STALK
Think real hard
Man, forget about the pain, let´s focus on what the hell this guy had to do to keep his dick hard while some other guy was pinching his cock with that thing they use to draw tatoos (forget the name), that's pretty masoquist
ReplyDeleteThe spider one is a pretty cool design, but I wouldn't have gotten on my hand, or as a tattoo at all actually, it woulda looked better on something else. And the dragon c*ck...Bwahahahahaha...!!! awesome...
ReplyDeleteThe dragon d*ck... I'm more shocked by the piercing! That must have killed!
ReplyDeleteHi from Australia!
ReplyDeleteI know we're coming in pretty late, but just wanted to say we think the first one on page 2 is meant to be one of our Aussie marsupials called a Tasmanian Devil. They're uniuqe to Tasmania, and they're pretty fierce, they're only small but they'll take a chunk out of you if need be. Looney Tunes' Taz is based on them. Might find a photo on wikipedia? to see what it should look like!
i believe the one between the lighthouse and the mosquito is the logo used by angel on his business cards on the series "angel" (the btvs spin-off).
ReplyDeleteOh my god! the dick tatoo, i know that guy, he works at a tatoo parlor in my university's town and he showed us, plus there are pics everywhere. i cant believe a small town illinois guy is on here! what are the chances!
ReplyDeleteI agree with a couple posts up. The penis tat had to hurt like fuck. But the piercing is what really blows me away. I know from experiance (having many piercings myself) how long it takes for a piercing to heal and ANYONE willing to get a piercing in such a sensitive place is insane.
ReplyDeleteAnd the spiderweb tat is amazing. Anyone who's truly deidicated to body art has to give this guy props.
And, sadly, even after seening the dick tattoo, I'm still going to become a tattoo artist. Anyone who asks me to do a tattoo in that sort of area though is going to get laughed at and thrown out of my shop.
Its not a tasmanian devil. The ears and mouth aren't right. Or the teeth. http://virtual.yosemite.cc.ca.us/ghayes/images/DSC03743%20Tasmanian%20Devil%20yawns%20b.JPG
ReplyDeleterubbish tattoo anyway.
i thought the spider palm was awesome. as for the dragon i got my head and shaft tatted as well. and u definitely aren't erect while ur getting it done. but shaft doesn't really hurt at all. the head is a different story
ReplyDeleteomg, the dragon cock is just wrong, i think i have an explanation about the penis-hardening thing. SEXY WOMEN,4 crying out loud. Any man knows than sexual excitement makes a mans feel happy and therefore, makes his penis swell up and harden. i almost barfed when i saw it though. it tarnishes their glory for dragon lovers, to have it placed in a rude place. btw, the dragon will barf every day! I am Zelda Freak.
ReplyDeleteI love tattoos but these are awful. Gotta admit I love the dragon though!
ReplyDeleteThat tattoo of the plate of eggs on that dudes head = MY FAVORITE EVER. Holy crap, man, that is awesome.
ReplyDeletei really like the spider one, but on the palm, OUCH.
ReplyDeleteand the dragon kind of turns me on...
the dragon dick==> er...ouch??
ReplyDeleteI'd fuck the dragon.... and I like the breakfast head too.
ReplyDeleteWhat's crappy about the tattooos are the bad ones- to the point where I feel ill. but candy and food- why not put it there for life? huh? just why not?
Dragon Dick Rocks.....
ReplyDeletehas any1 notised that the guy with the dragon is really skinny and pale? maybe he plays dragons in dungons
ReplyDeleteyou mean dungeons and dragons?
ReplyDeleteyour right. that is much lamer than spending all day browsing and commenting on forums.
The "stupid trend" reminded me about this... heh. "The Sunday Mirror reports Britney Spears was gutted after learning the tattoo on her hip bone of a Japanese sign meant "strange", not "mysterious" as she had been told. Her friend Taryn Manning, who co-starred in their flop movie 'Crossroads', said: "I was getting changed recently in Japan and women laughed when she saw my tattoo. She told me it means strange, which is not cool. Britney had it done at the same time as me. She was absolutely devastated when I told her." (popdirt.com)
ReplyDeleteits not mickey rourke but bela lugosi, famous early film star and the original dracula which is what the tat is alluding to...
ReplyDeleteThe light house with the spiral paintjob is sort of a state symbol of NC. It's the Cape Hatteras lighthouse.
You know, I'm not sure if anyone else who reads this is even going to get it (although on the web, you never know.)This will make the most sense if you're into Harry Potter fanfic. But when I saw the dragon, ahem, tattoo, I HAD to laugh-- in "Draco's Delicate Condition," a D/Hr fic on FAP, that's a pairing I normally avoid like the plague but actually this one's very good-- Draco Malfoy has EXACTLY, and I mean exactly, the same tattoo. For all we know, that's where this guy got the idea.
it is poorly done i agree,....but the crow was a kick ass movie
ReplyDeleteAgreed about the crow.
ReplyDeleteHorrible tatt, but the metphorical value and symbolisim in that movie makes the idea of the tatt worthwhile.
That's just bad, I mean all of them. The only one close to 'good work' is the spider web and spiders. I guess I am just wired different than others, I could never put even a very well done something on my body. Even if it were the size of a ladybug. And the guy with the dragon....the kind of woman that would have anything to do with that is just insane. blaaaaa! no pun, but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth! Yikes!
ReplyDeletethat dragoncock guy would have had to keep an erection whilest having a needle jabing his penis. how?
Man, forget about the pain, let´s focus on what the hell this guy had to do to keep his dick hard while some other guy was pinching his cock with that thing they use to draw tatoos (forget the name), that's pretty masoquist
And you thought mr.cool ice wasn't cool as ice...
awesome dragon dick, i have my genitals tattooed fully, with a star and flames, take a look on doc prices website, from plymouth,uk. and contrary to popular belief, you dont need to be erect to have it tattooed, its very stretchy!!!!pain????yea i can tell you bout pain!!!!
dan uk
And the prize for best coment goes to "enter the dragon".
ReplyDeleteyour sharp as a razor mate.
The dragon dick takes the cake.
ReplyDeleteI think the spider tattoo is absolutely spectacular - I'd love to know who the artist was.
ReplyDeleteApart from that, I'm highly amused, and I think a some of the people responding have no sense of humour. Lighten up!
The dragon cock tattoo is very well done.
ReplyDeleteAlso mkultra, were you not hugged enough as a child?
AyE yO...LtaTtOo dE DragoN yEtAaIs CriSsMenT hOt...MaiS cA dU fAir mAL...tBn lgRos kA fAIt Ca YeR FoU!!!...tOUt LeS AutREs SOnT...OstI qUi SonT lAid...
ReplyDelete~ReM !x~
I liked what star smoothie had to say.... to much into others buisness these days bunches of busy bodies everywhere ... learn to say something nice or say nothing at all....
ReplyDeletewow. thats all i can really say. as sick as it is i like the dragon. its pretty neat. unfortunately alot of these tattoos were done by really bad artist. alot of these should have been immediately turned away by the artist like the girl with pink thing and the squiggly thing in the middle. WTF??
ReplyDeletei dont care what anybody says. that gonzo pez dispenser tattoo was BADASS
ReplyDeletei think the breakfast tattoo is actually ment to be a 'full english' as in fully english, its a boot boy or skinhead tat at a guess. Its fuckin rad!
ReplyDeletei think the breakfast tattoo is actually ment to be a 'full english' as in fully english, its a boot boy or skinhead tat at a guess. Its fuckin rad!
ReplyDeleteI like the dragon...I'm having one put on me!!!!
ReplyDeleteits not a pogo stick ya dickwad its a corndog where did you get pogostick from anyway it looks nothing like one go get some glasses maybe and try again..
ReplyDeletei actually quite liked the spider one--but in general, those are all pretty bad.
ReplyDeletei read that you'd never heard a good argument for getting a tattoo--now, thats probably because you dont want one, and you cant (i hope) really be argued into something like that.
i, personally, get tattoos for spiritual reasons--symbols that have meaning to me. i know i wont regret them, because it's like regretting being born. they are all simple and black-line too, so they at least, were hard to *uck up.
Love it !!!!!!! This man has some balls........
ReplyDeleteWasn't Mr. Cool Ice an original member of Fight Club?
ReplyDeleteI think I saw him at a Mc Donald's drive-through in his mom's faded orange 1971 Grand Torino and the trunk lid had a mini spoiler on it that looked like it was stolen off of an older Honda Civic.
He looks like he is a 36 year old man admiring himself in the mirror in the morning and probably about to jump on his piece of shit mountain bike to get to his job where he sheers sheep all day.
Shit...I wonder what his CB handle is?
The woman wearing a bikini looked like well-seasoned death warmed over. This tatoo looks like an eight year old boy's first attempt at drawing the female form.
I didn't even know what back tits or meat curtains were before I visited this website. I think I lost the final increment of my innocense looking at these pictures.
Hey, what about Pee-Wee Herman? It looks like the dragon dick just crawled up his hiney and died.
Oh My...
Okay that Rodent tribal deal is obviously from some flash, I had a customer come in with the samething, only the rodent looked like Master Splinter. I easily turned it into a wolf.
I think the guy above Pee Wee Is SUPPOSE to be Alber Camus. It's a pretty famous picture of him rendered horribly on someones skin.
ReplyDeleteThat dragon penis tattoo rules. It is awesome because it is a 2D image becoming 3D, and the artwork is pretty good too.
ReplyDeleteadmitidly some of these tats don't look that good, but i still think there's some good ones in there. the spider palm is a credit to whichever artist did it. and regardless of pain the dragon is undoubtedly an immense piece of artwork, and why are people feeling sorry for the artist? 1. it was his choice to accept the task and 2. can u imagine how much he charged to do it?
ReplyDeleteto the guy who said it was body paint, don't state what u believe as if it is fact. it's actually a real tattoo, i know this as my tattoo artist has a large amount of info on that particular piece. who's the moron now?
p.s most of these comments seem to have been left by people who don't have tattoos themselves, and even seem to have no idea at all when it comes to tattoos. this is something i find annoying, as they have no idea about anything to do with tattoos, but still feel like they can voice an informed opinion. unfortunately i can just see pages upon pages of the normal tattoo stereotypes. just because some of you don't like them altogether, it doesn't give you the right to have a go at people who have them. i have tattoos, some of which are quite visible when wearing a t-shirt, and i get fed up of some of the looks i get from this. i believe myself to be a good person, so why should i be looked down on due to the ink on my skin?
I LOVE the spider web on the palm and the dragon dick! They are awesome and belong on the COOLEST tattoo site, not this one!
ReplyDeleteI nearly spit up my drink when I read the joke about the dolphin on the sun. It looks like it's dying! hahaha
ReplyDeletei got the pez tattoo as a tribute to my mother. as for a few spots that did not heal correctly (which i have since gotten fixed) it's an amazing tattoo that has won awards.
ReplyDeletethe colour on the flaming fish-hook is fucking awesome! I imagine its gonna be a bitch for touch-ups though!
ReplyDeleteWow...loooots of bigetry in these comments....
ReplyDeleteIt IS freedom of expression and for all you know each of these tattoo's may represent something pivitol in the person's life. Criticism for the lighthouse tattoo makes no sense to me, there are dozens of potential sentimental stories behind many of these
thats not to say I promote dumb tattoos which many of these seem to be.... just think before you flame
Ummm, the one that you think is Mickey Rourke is actually Bela Lugosi. Remember him? Count Dracula?
ReplyDeleteYou all are assuming that a man did the dragon tattoo on that cock, dont you know that women are tattoo artist also. Also ever think that he was taking viagra to keep the hardon and some good drugs to cope with the pain. You would have to be some idiot on drugs to ever think about getting a tattoo on your cock.
ReplyDeleteJust imagine to have sex with that dragon.... I can see it, now I can't...
ReplyDeleteiiv never seen tattoos like that b4
ReplyDeletend ii work at a tattoo shop
The dragon one, OMG. This guy had to stay hard for the tattoo, how? He must be really into pain to stay hard, OMG
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