Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hostage Situation

Anyone who knows who Nancy Grace is knows that she's the fakest fucking person on Television. I mean she's phonier than a 7 dollar bill, Styrofoam is more natural than this bitch. Anyway last week she interviewed Elizabeth Smart (the girl who was kidnapped from her room when she was 14) Grace Feigned the most contrived sympathy imaginable and kept pressing Elizabeth with really inappropriate questions. Eventually Elizabeth verbally "bitch slaps" Grace. You can see it in this video its worth checking out just to see Grace put in her place.

Speaking of Kidnapping, you know how in movies a common theme (where kidnapping is concerned) is someone is kidnapped and then held for a large ransom only to have the whole plan eventually foiled. My question is: Has there ever been a successful ransom kidnapping in the history of the world? If movies have taught us anything it's that it never works yet people try it all the time. The scenarios even get more and more complex yet the bad guys are always foiled.

The only Ransom kidnapping that I can actually recall is when Patty Hearst was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army, but she ended up joining them so it may have been inside job (although there is a claim that she had the Stockholm Syndrome).

Side note: the SLA has a bad-ass logo which I think would look cool on a t-shirt apart from the fact that they are considered a terrorist organization and I they're into some pretty dodgy stuff


  1. That is such a cool idea for a tattoo design...and why don't beautiful rich women fall for my SLA charms and join my cause to rob banks and liberate all the George Washington's from the shackles of Citibank?

  2. Anonymous1:47 PM

    You're right. Watching the video, Nancy Grace just makes you want to puke. Could she possibly be more pretentious and condescending? Elizabeth smart must have felt like she was being treated like a zoo-animal or something. Nancy Grace-pukeworthy.
