One thing is clear about the effects of meth. It fucks up your skin and takes away the part of your brain that makes "hairstyle" decisions.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Faces of Meth
Here is a collection of pics of what meth does to people.
The before picture kinda looks like Stephen Malkmus and the after looks like he's been sleeping on the pavement so it kinda fits.
Did you smoke the meth or rub it in your eyes?
7 months later and an adams apple that has grown 7 times its original size.
It's sad, really.
Thanks for putting a band-aid on otherwise you would have looked pretty repulsive.

I think this guy actually looks a bit better in the after pic. Well he looks scared instead of angry. Actually upon looking at it for a while I don't think its the same person.
I love what you've done with your hair.
This pic is my favorite. The guy looks like the same low budget mother fucker in both pictures he just looks likes he's spent a year in a cabin in the woods.
I find this one strange. It looks like his facial hair hasn't changed at all.
Bored with his mundane existence a sub-par cop turns his life around and becomes an extreme drug addict. Coming this fall a police drama that breaks all the rules. CRYSTAL NIGHTS. check local listings.

One thing is clear about the effects of meth. It fucks up your skin and takes away the part of your brain that makes "hairstyle" decisions.
One thing is clear about the effects of meth. It fucks up your skin and takes away the part of your brain that makes "hairstyle" decisions.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Computers: Those Amazing Machines 1985 Gallery
I was at a thrift store today and I picked this book up for 13 cents. It was originally 25 cents and everything was 50% off ( but they rounded up, what a rip off).
This fella likes to take his laptop where ever he goes, he even has a solar panel attachment to keep the power flowing. The lappy features a large display for all your ascii needs and at a lightweight 25 lbs you can take word processing anywhere you go. No need for a pad and pen when you're living in the future.
I don't know about you but if I were to build a robot it's primary function would be watering plants too. I mean who can think of another task that is so difficult and tedious.
This here is the Lucas Film crew in 1985 they are using 9 computers to calculate how long it will take before George Lucas destroys the Star Wars franchise. The Answer: under 20 years
Speaking of Star Wars, does anyone remember this gem?
Herbie Hancock demonstrates an instrument that he says will replace the guitar by 1991.
Robot art, the legend continues.
This has to be my favorite photo that I've seen in a long time. On the right is the robotic version of a seeing eye dog. It looks like it could be a promo pic from an old John Woo movie. "A Blinder tomorrow"
This machine reads books to blind people. Pretty cool its the size of a washing machine and costs $22 million dollars. Books on tape? fuck em! We're living in the future.
The worst thing about buying a spider droid from a Jawa after a long day on the moisture farm is moving it around. Not to worry this one climbs easily into the back of your el camino.
After sorting out his comb-over Bob gets to work at a simpler task of organizing the wires.
This place is called Xanadu The house of the future.
In 1985 I was 7 years old. These kids look to be about that age and let me tell you if I had known them at the time I would have hated their guts. My family got our first TV when I was 5 and it was black and white. Also when I was in Elementary school there was 5 computers for our whole school and they were commodore 64's. These little bastards have 2 TV's in their room alone and a computer not to mention that they live in Xanadu the house of the future.
by the looks of things the prissy, tie wearing, $4 haircut having, motherfucker is about to take a harsh beating from the other kids.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
As long as we've got each other
As they were going around the table asking everyone what they were up to I couldn't wait for it to get to Jeremy Miller (who played Ben Seaver). This guy disappeared! I mean he vanished faster than a lazy roommate when its time to clean the kitchen. So he says he's been doing acting work in China. But here's the disturbing part Growing Pains is apparently huge in China due to the fact that they only ever have 2 American shows playing there at one time.
According to Alan Thicke in the 80's the only 2 American shows were Growing Pains and Hunter (if you remember Hunter its even stranger that it was the only other show to play). To compound all of this they said that in China they don't think of Growing Pains as a comedy. They take is as a serious show which teaches life lessons etc. The show did have a fair bit of veiled preachyness but what I find disturbing is that there may be a generation of Chinese people who think that growing pains is an accurate representation of the average American family. I mean if that's the only window they were given into the American life its quite possible.
I am also trying to imagine a situation where all the Chinese government officials were sitting around picking through all the 80s sitcoms for one that would be acceptable.
Full House - Possible homosexual undertones OUT
Cheers - Promotes lavish and excessive western gluttony OUT
Perfect Strangers - Balki???????? OUT
Family Ties - Alex P. Keaton is an obvious capitalist OUT
Alf - Family harbors alien but doesn't report it OUT
The Cosby Show - Family with 4 daughters?? OUT
Night Court - Democratic justice system OUT
Growing Pains - Father works from home, Mother is professional, 3 kids, morally wholesome, Mikes best friend's name is Boner IN
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Really Bad Tattoos Part 3
In my opinion a celebrity tattoo is probably never a good idea, but some are exceptionally bad.
* I'm not going to criticize someone for being a fan of Weird Al but don't you think a T-shirt would suffice?
* I think that the Celine Dion tattoo must have been drawn from memory or something because it barely resembles her.
* Lastly to the person with the Kevin tattoo: Do you realize that you are a super fan of a band that is directed towards 12 year olds and I think they even broke up about 5 years ago. In 20 years people will just assume it's a tattoo of some creepy dude you used to date.
Continuing with the celebrity worship but with a twist.
* Anchorman was an OK movie but definitely not amazing is it really worth this amount of devotion?
* The Mariah Carey Tattoo doesn't even look like the original picture and for some unknown reason they have added things to it.
And in the most bizarre case of celebrity worship... For some fucking reason this person got a tattoo of Angelina Jolie's adopted son Maddox. This completely boggles my mind. Has celebrity obsession actually reached this point? I guess it has. What the fuck has happened to the world.
Do people not realize how short sighted it is to get technology related tattoos.
* I bet the DVD guy has a VHS tattoo on his other leg, a BETAMAX tattoo on one arm and LASERDISC on the other.
* Martha Stewart served what was it a 6 month prison term? Good thing you decided to get a tattoo so the world would never forget how much suffering the billionaire went through in a minimum security prison. You're right it really was a grave human rights tragedy. Hey have you ever heard of Nelson Mandela? Oh OK I didn't think so.
I like to imagine 2 different scenarios relating to Mr. Cool Ice:
1. His friends made up the name purely as a joke and mockingly called him Mr. Cool Ice.
2. He came up with the name himself, No one actually calls him that but he constantly refers to himself as Mr. Cool Ice.
both are hilarious in their own right.
check out:
Really Bad Tattoos Part 1
Really Bad Tattoos Part 2
Really Bad Tattoos Part 4
Really Bad Tattoos Part 5
Really Bad Tattoos Part 6
Really Bad Tattoos Part 7
Really Bad Tattoos Part 8
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