One thing is clear about the effects of meth. It fucks up your skin and takes away the part of your brain that makes "hairstyle" decisions.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
The Faces of Meth
Here is a collection of pics of what meth does to people.
The before picture kinda looks like Stephen Malkmus and the after looks like he's been sleeping on the pavement so it kinda fits.
Did you smoke the meth or rub it in your eyes?
7 months later and an adams apple that has grown 7 times its original size.
It's sad, really.
Thanks for putting a band-aid on otherwise you would have looked pretty repulsive.

I think this guy actually looks a bit better in the after pic. Well he looks scared instead of angry. Actually upon looking at it for a while I don't think its the same person.
I love what you've done with your hair.
This pic is my favorite. The guy looks like the same low budget mother fucker in both pictures he just looks likes he's spent a year in a cabin in the woods.
I find this one strange. It looks like his facial hair hasn't changed at all.
Bored with his mundane existence a sub-par cop turns his life around and becomes an extreme drug addict. Coming this fall a police drama that breaks all the rules. CRYSTAL NIGHTS. check local listings.

One thing is clear about the effects of meth. It fucks up your skin and takes away the part of your brain that makes "hairstyle" decisions.
One thing is clear about the effects of meth. It fucks up your skin and takes away the part of your brain that makes "hairstyle" decisions.
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This is a fantastic entry! Good work!!
ReplyDeleteI've seen those pics before and it STILL amazes me. Bad stuff!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap! But do you think meth would help me lose weight though? I bet I could still quit afterwords.
ReplyDeletethe girl with the band-aid on her face literally looks like she aged thirty years, not three. she was quite pretty before too. it's shocking to see how dramatically they changed. i think you were right about the hairstyle decisions too, wow...
ReplyDeletemmmmm, festering boils! nice.
ReplyDeleteokay, i have to ask... why are there even before and after pictures of these people?? did they take their pictures then give them meth just to test out what would happen? it seems a little strange.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: They're mug shots from early in their criminal careers, that's all.
ReplyDeleteone of the guys...the one after 2yrs 5months looks the second one...i feel bad for him :'( his eyes show he knows he has done wrong...and he looks guilty as hell!
ReplyDeletebtw.. i would like to link u to my blog...wana exchange links?
email me.
or leave a comment on my blog
If that doesn't convince people not to get into meth, nothing will. will make you lose weight, but you will never be able to quit! Exercise and eat an apple!
ReplyDeleteIf the after is the photo on the left where can i get some meth.
ReplyDeleteone of those people is my sister...Meth takes away not only you but it does the same to the insides of the ones who love them..
ReplyDeletemeth is a drug short for methamphetamine. It is a synthetic stimulant that is highly addictive.
ReplyDeletethese pictures are really sad I feel sorry for all the people who get involved with meth, my ex-husband is addicted and I just want to know do they ever get help on thier own or does someone have to step in and take charge, and do they really ever stop?
ReplyDeleteNarcotics Anonymous is a worldwide 12-step program for addicts who want to get clean. Thousands of members are living healthy productive drug free lives. (19+ years clean myself( If someone has a desire to stop, they can with help. Unfortunately, it's not for those who need it- just those who want it. Most phone books have a listing for Narcotics Anonymous and online you can got to to get more info and meeting listings.
ReplyDeletehey i was on meth in 12-04 for 30days, it all most cost me everything, i was lucky. haven,t used since 1-05. i've tried lots of suff, but have always been stronger than the drug, this got me on the first try. pure evil, the devil made this drug. please i beg don't try you'll be sorry.
ReplyDeletehere is a poem i found at a rehab center. credit to her l.curtis im more valued than diamonds more precious than gold the sorrow i bring you a sight to behold
ReplyDeleteim made in a lab but not one like you think i can be made under a kitchen sink. just try me once and i might let you go, but try me twice ill on your asoul. the crime you commit are my narcotic charms, it will be worth the pleasure you feel in my arms. forgeyt your morals and how you were raisde ill be your conscience and teach you my ways. i turn people from god, i seperate friends, ill be with you always until the very end. if youve tried me be warned, this is no game, if given the chance ill fdrive you insane. youll regret you tried me, they always do but you came to me not i to you. you knew this would happen, many times youve been told, but you challenged my powers you chose to be bold. i cna show you more misery than words can tell, come take my hand and ill lead you to hell. this is true please stay away!!!!!
sorry for the typos in the poem but you get the idea. please dont try it will only ruin your life. trust me clean now almost 2 years, i have a degree now and make good money found god and have a wonderful life now. just got married, life soo much better without drugs. please don,t try
ReplyDeleteYou can get off of it but you are very fortunit if you do...Please do NOT mess with this stuf it is BAD!!!!!!!.....You can tell b. just looking at the pictures, and dont listen to people when thay say its ok....that are STUPED AND NEED HELP, so help them!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy do meth users scratch their faces up like that?
ReplyDeleteyou people that use meth are stupid
ReplyDeletehey dont ever say ppl who use meth are stupid,there are really smart ppl and really hard working if u know how to use it's make u study well,,,but if u dont know how to use is it will fuck u up ..and ppl who use it dont think they dont want to quite they want but its not that just for one day u can quite,u dont have to call ppl who use it r stupid coz u can be one of thim ,,,,no heart feeling ..
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAH those captions are hilarous.
ReplyDeleteThat one girl ---the blonde---was totally hot in the first pic.
ReplyDelete"hey dont ever say ppl who use meth are stupid,there are really smart ppl and really hard working if u know how to use it's make u study well,,,but if u dont know how to use is it will fuck u up ..and ppl who use it dont think they dont want to quite they want but its not that just for one day u can quite,u dont have to call ppl who use it r stupid coz u can be one of thim ,,,,no heart feeling .."
ReplyDeleteHow stupid do you have to be to have this mentality??? You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about. There is no right way to do meth. It's wrong. Hands down. People who do meth ARE stupid. And for thinking they arent, you are too. I've never done meth, but I've dealt with it first hand. And your thinking is wrong.
this is not a funny thing to be joking about, i have a family member on meth who won't get help, it is tearing our family apart, hurting our children to the core and taking the love of my life away from me. i am sorry that you people don't have anything better to do then laugh at these poor people who have lost thier lives and loves to this very addictive drug.
ReplyDeleteMy ex is a meth head. He's 37 years old, hasn't had a job for a year or more, lives with his parents, and got busted a few weeks ago. He's now facing charges of intent to sale. He can't see his daughter without supervision. I hope he's wondering if the meth is worth his whole life. I could post his before and after pic on here! Stay away from this crap. It will cause you to lose everything you ever had, including yourself!
ReplyDeletethis is some creepy stuff. i cant get over the way peoples faces change when they use meth
ReplyDeletethe thing to keep in mind with this drug is that it does not cause intoxication or a high. it is anti-addictive physically. the reason it is a problem is it eliminates a person's self control. the experience does intensify with successive doses. it is purely self delusion. other drugs at least make a person feel good.
ReplyDeleteoops, correction to my above post, it does not intensify with more doses.
ReplyDeletei was a really heavy meth addict for only 4 and a half months..
ReplyDeletei ended up gettin psychosis, and still have it after 2 years of treatment...
i lost many friends, and tore my family apart.
but things are getting better
don't touch it!
if you do, you'll pay in the end.
"i am sorry that you people don't have anything better to do then laugh at these poor people who have lost thier lives and loves to this very addictive drug."
ReplyDeleteBullshit...they're adults...don't coddle them. They made their own choices. It's not our fault they fucked up, so why shouldn't we laugh at how horrid they look? It's not like the meth attacked them and forced itself on them.
Bullshit...they're adults...don't coddle them.
ReplyDeleteYes you are right, they did make their own choices. However, your attitude toward their fate is selfish and uncaring. As human beings we have a responsiblity to show compassion and offer aid to those who are in turmoil. What you are suggesting is to offer no assistance to people who have "done it to themselves". It would be a very sad state if people were to take this attitude.
"Yes you are right, they did make their own choices. However, your attitude toward their fate is selfish and uncaring. As human beings we have a responsiblity to show compassion and offer aid to those who are in turmoil. What you are suggesting is to offer no assistance to people who have "done it to themselves". It would be a very sad state if people were to take this attitude."
ReplyDeleteActually...I'm pretty sure that's not my stance at all. What assistance could I possibly offer some meth head who I'm merely seeing online? None. They look it more wrong to laugh at them because they fucked themselves up on meth than it is to laugh at someone who's just naturally ugly? Nope. In fact, if you ask me, it's better, because they did that to themselves. I never once said people with drug problems shouldn't be helped, but if I ever made myself look like that, you'd sure as fuck better laugh at it. I spent my summer volunteering in New Orleans. Don't try to act like you're morally superior to me or that I'm selfish and don't even know my name.
I like the way this post carries an advertisement for Absinthe next to it.
Alcohol+Thujone=Good Stuff!
This reminds of the time a cop gave us a speech about drugs and passed around a sealed box of seized samples of quote-unquote 'ecstasy', which contained, I shit you not, a polo mint. Complete with hole.
I think I know at least 3 of those people. That would be the downfall of living in western PA.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what kind of shit you people are doing, but send some of it to California!
ReplyDeleteI know for a fact who wrote that last comment!! I can tell by the way it's written...Your initial don't happen to be G.J. do they?
ReplyDeleteAt this time I'd like to invoke my 5th amendment privilege. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha, you know damn well that our rights are disappearing slowly but surely...eventually, you will have to tell me!
ReplyDeleteIn my state people who don't use meth look like the after photos.
ReplyDeleteTweakers take a long hard look at these faces if you live in this county; that way you won't get busted selling to an undercover cop.
ReplyDeleteSome of em look better in the 2nd photo!
ReplyDeleteThe last time I had my mug shot taken I was ready. I never went dumster diving without makeup on.
ReplyDelete#8 looks like my neighbor Liz.
I wonder if there's anyway I can talk you into removing MY picture from your site...I can't believe that you'd put it on here...I don't want to tell you which one I am, but one of those is me...
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm proud of it...been on meth for 15 years now, I find that good looks are really overrated...hell us tweakers will sleep with anything that moves, what do we care what we look like... I look at the time I am posting these comments, ha ha it's 3:20 AM
ReplyDeleteMy connection doesn't see my face that much. I do however try to keep the back of my head presentable.
ReplyDeleteIt seems counter productive to poke fun at addicts who need help .Addiction is a disease, not an excuse for someone with too much time on their hands to make insensitive, unfunny remarks about physical appearances.
ReplyDeleteI think these photos speak for themselves, but my daughter was asked during DARE to look for pictures of meth users. It would be nice if she was not required to read all the curse words!
ReplyDeletei have lost my compassion for these people. My cousin was an addict and she stole everything she could from me and identity thefted me
ReplyDeleteshe is supposdley clean and sober - and in a 12 step program for 5 years. so where is my apology ? and why do I still have cuatodu of her children that shge neglected. i took them one day and she didnt notice for a week. It's been 8 years - and they still live with me. no one forced drugs onto her or anyone - they all know the consequances. time to stop coddling them. she gets everything handed to her now - and yet i take care of 4 children with no help - and certaintly none form her - ot her husband.
these people must have our symopathy in order to get their feet back on solid ground. Meth is a substantial problem. Millions are being spent on the montana meth project. Fifty percent of prisoners in MT are convicted meth user-eighty percent of female prisoners in montana are convicted meth users. why? what the hell is this drug doing to people? After looking at these "before and after" pics why would any person choose to try meth? curiousity will kill the cat-no joke when it comes down to using meth.
ReplyDeleteMeth, along with most other drugs, is not such a horrible drug if used responsibly, the problem is that most people who use meth do not even come close to a responsible user.
ReplyDeleteMeth is not used by anyone responsible. I have 2 brothers in prison for meth and were struggleing to keep my 18 year old neice off the crap. Meth doesnt only take the life of the user it takes the life of everyone around the user. And if you think you can use meth to just lose a few pounds think again. Meth controls every area of your life and everyone around you become a victim to it.
The meth heads in the pics are the element of our society responsible for spreading aids crime and countless lost lives. Personally I am relieved that they look horrible so we can recognize them more easily. The solution is to send them to inturnment camps give them all the confiscated meth they want and society will be free from thier diseses and crime forever. The A.C.L.U is trying to start a program called the kevorkin plan that will put them all in one place with all the free meth they want. Possible locations are parts of New Jersey, and Bezerkley Califonia.
ReplyDeleteRosie Odonald just got busted someone looked up her dress and saw over 200lbs of crack. Maybe we can send her to camp Kevorkian.
ReplyDeleteI recently lost a family member to meth. She left behind 4 children, the oldest being 16. Her two youngest children, ages 3 and 5, found her that morning. I have lost dear friends, not in death but in addiction to this horrific drug. What it does to you, you have no idea. I have seen it up close and personal and let me tell you. It is not a joke or anything to mess with. Think, one night of "bliss" could be your last night of life and sanity.
ReplyDeletewhat the f... - im from germany (bad english suspected!), we don't have that meth-problems here ...
ReplyDeletewhen i look at the pictures and read the comments of some people, like "using with responsibility" or "can i use it for loosing weight?", i can only hit with my head on my desk ...
people, who keep controle over there addictions are maybe 1 of a thousand ... its a typical drug-starter-thinking, that u can keep controle of it - you realize ur addiction only, when its to late.
and that loosing-weight-girl ... omg ... how can u be so stupid and naive ... if u dont cant loose weight on ur own, buy yourself 10 grms of amphetamine (speed, not crystal!) and snore a little whenever u get hungry and dont want to eat
i'm taking drugs for 12 years now, but i'm using them, as party-drugs, not as an everyday-turn (what i would call abusing).
my message: drugs are ok, can even be good for ur soul & mind, but only if u keep them for something special AND if u keep yourself on the "softer" drugs with a lower addiction-rate, like speed, extasy, mdma and stuff like that.
All those pictures are taken from the Multnomah County Sheriff's office in Oregon (Portland). They have pics from their first booking, and their inevitable return to the police station. It was a running series in our statewide paper, the Oregonian, several yrs ago, as well.
ReplyDeleteIt's really sad, and I am glad that DARE and DrugFreeAmerica have picked up the series of pictures.
Read a book titled Meth=Sorcery by a gentleman named Steve Box....he will answer many ???????? about this evil life destructing drug!!!!! The devil knows his time is short and he will do anything to bring you to him..
ReplyDeletetht is gross how can ppl du tht to themselves!!!!!?
ReplyDelete.┌╩☺☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻♥♠♦♠*-ßÖ¢¦┐X♂▬!Và ÄAÄ]Ä
Meth...... yum!
ReplyDeleteI was on meth for one month - 2 years ago. I've lost 25 lbs of weight. My nose was dry for a year after that. I had a lot of problems with my skin and health in general.
ReplyDeleteLife on Methadone - an addicts perspective
ReplyDeletethis is coming from a 9 year old all the people that are doing meth are please take this tip from me and dont do drugs.because they will mess you up and if you want to take that risk go head.take the chances of you getting high then you might not even wake up in th mornning.please dont do drugs.
ReplyDeletei am an addict.once an addict,always an addict,but that doesnt mean we cant recover.i used for 24 years and i am grateful i survived.i will have 10 yrs clean off meth in jan. and i am a part of 12 step recovery and it works if u work it.principles before personalities.why dont some of u look at your own character defects before judging others.
ReplyDeletedoesn,t seem to matter how bad things look or may look...
ReplyDeleteonce that that shit hits the spoon
the spike is in you and off you go!!
im a 10 year old girl in the dare program and i say ALL DRUGS R BAD! if u think about doing any drug,u better think again! there r millions of victums from this stuff. yes you shouldnt laugh at them but dont feel bad either. they r adults and can choose for themselves!if they choose 2 ruin there lives let them. they can face the music themselves. so u know PEOPLE WHO USE ANY DRUGS R RUINING AMERICA AND F YOU ALL!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs a former meth user I didn't lose anyone but myself. I have been sober for over a year which is something that most meth users will never be able to say. I used meth for 5 years. For all you Dare people think again. I've been there done that. This drug is the future of drugs. It is by far the most addictive substance,(I believe) know to man. For anyone who is looking for the ability to step away from it I say this,"Look in the mirror." Ask yourself if this is what you want. If you can say yes then god bless. But if not forget about everything the drug gave you because it gave you nothing.
ReplyDeleteI've used amphetamines and meth intravenously on and off for about 12 years never could regain that first high. Lost most of my friends my self respect etc. Eventually got onto naltrexone which has at least helped me cut right down. With a view to quiting completely but its hard meth is so addictive. Even though I hate myself for using I can't stop.
ReplyDeleteThe gear messes with your cognitive function (google meth ^ brain damage) I'm just hoping that mine comes good again I have problems with focus and selective attention want to fuck yourself up? Use meth.
Good for all you brave souls who have gotten off meth. I believe in any and everyone who has the courage to rid themselves of this horrific plague. You have done so deserve a round of applause. I do not know the drug personally, but have seen what it has done to others. Please stay clean, not only for you, but for your families and friends. You give others hope.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good example of what happens when you don't respect your drugs. Meth, Cocain, Heroin, Alcohol - all these drugs will lead you to trouble if you don't have control of them.
ReplyDeleteDamn im doin this reaseArch paper on illegal drugs and i came across this website and it grossed me out
ReplyDeleteto find out how one can really look like after they use meth for a while and it scared me to never ever try that drug in my life!!! ;)
and thats all
This is sad looking at these photos, but the real sad thing about it is wondering if these people really understand what has happened to them because of meth. They all just look so dazed and confused. How can you help those that can't help themselves? If meth is this addictive and powerful, the only thing that can help any of these people is God hemself. I have some people I know in my family that I think is using this drug, I don't want to believe it, but all the signs are there. I feel like my hands are tied. Bottomline: METH IS THE DEVIL'S DRUG, AND GOD IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN HELP THE VICTIMS OF METH.
ReplyDeleteThey should have done a one-hitter of kind bud and chilled out instead!
ReplyDeleteThe one with the band aid is two differnt women you idiot look closer the older womans nose is shaped differntly and her lips are much smaller she also has a pointier chin
ReplyDeletei hate to be a preteen discovering the internet slang, but...
ReplyDeleteROTFLMFAO: 'takes away the part of your brain that makes 'hairstyle' descions' HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
dont do druuugs ... druuugs are baaad
ReplyDeleteAND DOCTORS PRESCRIBE IT TO MILLIONS OF CHILDREN AND ADULTS EVERYDAY!Of course some egghead is gonna type "it's not the same as adderall"! SURE!!! What gasstation did u say u worked at?
ReplyDeleteQUOTING:"The one with the band aid is two differnt women you idiot look closer the older womans nose is shaped differntly and her lips are much smaller she also has a pointier chin"
ReplyDeleteShe is looking down in the second photo, so it only apperas her nose is different... its not though. it is her
For all you pretending to be 7 and 10 year old kids nobody bus that crap. What drugs are you doing?
ReplyDeleteI started off on the only true gateway drug…. Caffeine. You talk down to others because of the difficulties they have had I their lives. You sound like a bunch of religious folk, I mean hypocrites. You get up every day and feed your addictions. You slam your coffee, chocolate and Alcohol. Go drink another soft drink fat ass. We are addictive creatures and if we like something we will do it over and over again. You know like laughing, sex or eating sugar in all of its yummy forms. I started smoking Tobacco in 2nd grade, Weed (my favorite) in 5th, pharmaceutical speed in 6th, cocaine and mushrooms in 8th, LSD and speed both Meth and Ether based in 9th, it gets a little blurry after that but that didn’t stop me. I went on to use Phenobarbital, Quaaludes, Preludes, Mescaline, Valiums, amyl nitrite and the list the list on. I guess I’m lucky though; I woke up one morning and decided I did not want to do that stuff anymore. Now I’m addicted to work. Go figure. The coffee keeps calling me back especially in the morning when I smell somebody getting their fix.
i can't belive what go thruogh theri mind when they do that stuff thay shud know that that drugs don't more than theme I't hurt their family frends it makes me sick just seeing these pic. they should take my advice before it git iny worse like death.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a crappy drug. Everything was going so well in my life finally. Two hits and I was hooked--I didn't even like the feeling 95% of the time. I lost everything: dropped out of a great university, lost my apartment (raided), lost my friends, my car. I was even homeless for some time and that sucks especially when you're a woman. It took three years to finally get my shit together. I'm finally in grad school, have a car and a place again. One thing it did do though--I am thankful every freakin day that I'm alive and living in comfort. Don't touch this drug-so not worth it. I had no idea it would take over my life cuz I did drugs forever, but meth really messed me up the most )=
ReplyDeleteI'll take drugs carefully.
ReplyDeleteCrystal meth, methadone, heroin, cocaine are all bad news. My brothers story can be found on
ReplyDeleteWe have gotten positive feedback from High Schools and Police Forces on the content provided on the sight.
I'm unsure if my husband is using meth.He is 32 yrs old and has been married to me for 10 yrs.We have 3 beautiful children together and i have never touched a drug not even ciggarettes I smoke.Im actually a health freak and believe in doing whats right for ourselves God and our children..But he takes hundreds of dollars out of our account and has nothing to show for it.He abuses me and always has.I found him at his old girlfriends house and she was on ice.he says he dont mess with that.He is showing all the sighns..Do u agree?He hasnt loss any weight though.He has weighed 145lbs forever..