Why do I get dizzy: I covered this in the last installment of "Ask Dr. Bright". Geez if you guys aren't even going to pay attention why should I bother. I know a lot of you are on heavy amounts of medication which is my fault I know. I mean I am the one who prescribed them to you. I take ownership in that but please try and pay attention when we have our little question and answer sessions.
Why do I get canker sores: There are many different theories as to why canker sores appear. I have my own which I will share with you. A canker sore is an annoying and slightly painful affliction which appears in your mouth produced by the subconscious part of your mind. Most likely you have annoyed or caused minor pain to someone with your careless words and now you are being warned to be more aware of how
the things you say affect others. Either that or you ate too many lemons. Did you really need to eat 3 whole lemons?
Why do I get dizzy when I stand up: Do you understand the concept of inertia? You should have learned it way back in grade school science. Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in
its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any
change in its motion. The reason you feel dizzy when you stand up is that the rules of inertia are being appled to your consciousness. Your physical body may be able to stand up fairly quickly but it takes a second for your "self" to catch up and so there is a delay.
Why do I get leg cramps: Leg cramps are most often caused by Poison Ivy and also a Lux Interior.
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