ok so the post title is a bit harsh but something about this show doesn't seem right. I noticed the second time I saw the show that the one kid
Laura was also the kid I had just seen on the Sarah Silverman show (she has now left 5th grader because she is going to be a series). So the kids are actors? They present the show as if a regular adult is competing against a regular 5th grader. This is not the case. If you've noticed the kids wear the same clothes every episode so its basically just a gimmic. The kids are nothing more than game show props. I said early on while watching it that I guarantee that the producers (or whoever) are feeding the kids the answers and its been pre-determined which ones they are going to get wrong and right etc.
if you read the fine print it says that the kids
were provided workbooks that "could have provided the basis" for questions used in the show. I think thats a safe way of saying they've been fed the answers.
To be fair I don't think this is any more staged than any of Mark Burnett's productions or most game shows for that matter.
The show would be way better if it was set up in a price is right style with a big audience and at the beginning the randomly pulled real 5th graders and contestants out of the audience..... but that ain't gonna happen.
I knew I recognized that girl when she was on the Sarah Silverman show.
ReplyDeleteWhat a drag. I have to say after reading your article here that you are probably 100% correct. We like to watch the show once in awhile because my daughter is that age so we compete as a family to see who can get the right answer. Is anything real anymore?? Has it ever been?? Or are we all just suckers? I just don't like being misled like that.
ReplyDeleteYeah the show is all fake and staged
ReplyDeleteOh well..
it's even more staged, because, any intelligent person could come in and try out, and pretend to be stupid, but during the show, get every question right because in reality, the questions are nothing for them, and there they got an easy million bucks. In order to stop people from getting money so easily, they use actors who are specifically meant not to win, but to act really stupid. If you can understand.
ReplyDeleteI watched the show once and will never watch it again. I realized immediately that it was fraud. The question was : "What is the minimum age for a US Congressman".. Clearly most people woudln't know the answer to this,, but all 5 5th graders knew the answer!(25) I knew then that they were provided with guidance and as one poster mentioned,, they are provided "workbooks".. How sad. This show will be off the air rather quickly as the word spreads of this fraud.
ReplyDeletejust forget about it......
ReplyDeleteand just test your self on the show that is what it is for
My child won a contest to audition for the show. In my opinion it was all for show to make American think they are using real life everyday kids. At the audition there were lots of Hollywood actor kids who had movie and tv experience.
ReplyDeleteIt was interesting that there was never a test given to the kids nor were they asked to provide proof of their grades in school.
And, just last week we rented a kid movie and there was a kid from the last season of the show in this movie.
It is just more convenient to use local kids who they know through the acting circuit who can keep coming back for the various stages of the interview process than to keep flying back and forth kids from other areas of the US.
Very sad that you can't even trust a show like this to be real.
Also the questions are so hard. i know because i am a 7th grader.
ReplyDeleteWell, we know the kids are actors and are probably told what to do, but what about the contestants? Are they told the order in which they are to pick the kids, or are they allowed to choose their own "strategy" of choosing? I think the show would be a total waste if even the contestants are told what to do.
ReplyDeleteWhat is their agenda for lying to us all? It is a government funded propaganda show to make Americans feel stupid. If you're not smarter than a fifth grader then how can you have the competency to question the governments actions?
ReplyDeleteIm a 5th grader and we never learned any of this!!!
ReplyDeletei noticed sarah was always picked first, hmm... and almost all the 5th graders were right when the question was " what five US federal holidays are on monday?" and it was 1st grade social studies!!