Sunday, February 04, 2007


So I didn't really watch the superbowl because I don't really care about sports but I did flip to it during the half time show and catch the performance by prince. Holy Fucking shit it was one of the greatest things I've ever seen on many levels. Let me start by saying that I am not a fan of prince. I don't have anything against him or anything I've just never been into his songs or really understood why he's regarded as being so great. But one thing that is certain is that he is an amazing guitar player (as evidenced by the handful of live clips I've seen of him)

Now I may come off sounding really ignorant here but when I picture the average football fan the last thing I also imagine is a prince fan. The worlds seem diametrically opposed. So when I switched to the half time show and saw prince flamboyantly performing his set I imagined hundreds of thousands of football fans staring in disbelief with their jaws dropped. It was amazingly ridiculous, he kept busting into wank-tastic guitar solos that were about 3 times louder than all the backing music (anyone that knows me knows I'm a fan of searing guitar solos) also it was raining when when he went into purple rain. I'll see if a youtube vid gets posted of the whole thing because it has to be seen to truly understand but until then I'll leave a few pics.




  1. Anonymous3:09 AM

    that's exactly what i was thinking during the half-time show. when he started screaming like a girl. classic.

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Hey, where'd you get that picture of my dad?

    This site is freggen hilarious... I had no idea it existed... I've got loads of back-reading to do!


  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    i was laughing when he went behind that backlit sheet while holding his guitar in a really phallic manner... hilarious...
    that and the doves flying around on strings

  4. Anonymous7:10 PM

    well you just used the word
    phal*ic so youre also a douchebag
