As with all of Aronofsky's films this one really makes you think about life and the larger issues facing us. I always said that Requiem for a Dream was a great movie but that I would never watch it again because it was so intense that afterwards I was in a very strange mental state.
Although one of this films main themes is death it is dealt with in a very positive manner. The visual effects are amazing and Hugh Jackman's performance is stellar. Check it out.
I just saw this movie a couple days ago, and although the affects were great, and although Hugh Jackman is a hot piece of ass, this movie just didn't do it for me. Don't get me wrong, I love Requiem for a Dream and Pi a lot, but The Fountain left me confused and disappointed. I felt that it just didn't have enough of a plot. I understood the whole life, death, whatever theme, but it still just kind of left me disappointed.