The guy is full of shit instead of making a film depicting all the good things that Jesus did he chose to ultimately make one about Jesus final hours of suffering and death. Hmmm I wonder why, could it be that that's what would sell and make him shitloads of money. Now I know that the crucifixion is an important part in the story of Jesus but if that's all you show the question is What are you trying to say with this film?
It would sort of be like if a film maker went up to the studio and said:
film maker: I want to make a movie about Elvis
studio: So do you want to portray Elvis' rise to fame and how he made music that many people loved and identified with?
film maker: Oh no not at all. I want to make a movie about Elvis' last hours when he was fucked up on pills and then show him dying on a toilet.
So the recent news about Gibson getting pulled over drunk and spouting anti-Semitic remarks further solidifies the case that the guy is full of shit. Being drunk is no excuse, you don't say things when you're drunk unless you actually believe them. I mean when I'm drunk I'm not going to start yelling I hate Nickelback If I really don't (I really do). So Gibson isn't going to be making anti-Semitic remarks when he's drunk unless he is in fact a anti-Semite. Now you may be asking "Hey wasn't Jesus Jewish? How can Mel Gibson be an anti-Semite?". If I can re-iterate a point: MEL GIBSON IS FULL OF SHIT. From what I've heard Jesus is a pretty forgiving guy and I guess you'd have to be if you're so called followers are shit bags like Gibson.
Conversation between Jesus and Mel Gibson I would like to see:
Jesus: So I saw that movie you made about me getting beaten tortured and then crucified
Gibson: What did you think?
Jesus: Too much whipping not enough leper healing I was hoping to maybe see some scenes where I helped people, you know loving people was really the message I was trying to get across.
Gibson: Well I made a lot of money with that movie. I even started selling official "passion of the Christ" crucifixion nails
Jesus: Do you remember when I found people selling things in the temple I was rather upset and I even tossed over the vendors tables. Have you ever even read the bible?
Gibson: Well ummm....
Jesus: Mel?
Gibson: I read some of it...
Jesus: And what did you learn from it?
Gibson: That is would make a big blockbuster movie
Mel kind of climaxed with the release of Mad Max...since then we discovered he can't act and he has a terrible personality...perhaps he and Tom Cruise can start a club up for celebrities who have PR problems (Michael Jackson could be the first client)!
Okay. I read your 'Fuck Mel Gibson' commentary, and had to respond. First I'll go ahead and make the obligatory qualifier to my thoughts (despite the fact that it might be dismissed anyway...whatever). First I'm not a Christian, and I'm not a huge Gibson fan, though I have enjoyed some of his movies.
ReplyDeleteI've seen enough movies about the 'good things that Jesus did in his life', and I got bored with most of them, and that particular treatment a looooong time ago. It seemed like an incredible amount of white-washing to the point of sickening me the way a kid would be after scarfing-down several jars of jellybeans, candycorns, gumdrops, and black licorice. As an artist, Gibson picked a portion of the the Jesus story and presented his personal take and analysis. It was his choice, his right, and something he felt strongly about. He used his own money, made the damn thing and put it out there. And guess what? People went to see it. That's right; they got off their own asses, got into their own cars, went to their favorite (or not-so-favorite) multiplex, shelled-out their own dinero, and watched it!
And, oh my God, he made millions, potentially billions from that effort; despite being protested, blacklisted (as evidenced by Hollywood's current kneejerk reaction..), and virtually 'shut-out' by the Hollywood crowd. He made all that money... that's sooooo evil isn't it? In fact, that's so bad, I'll take it upon myself to tell a private citizen what the hell he should do with all the money he earned (yes! earned!) from his own private efforts. I demand and dictate that Mel donate his 'scrilla' to some charity out there, and if he doesn't...well... he must not be a truly faithful man, shucks, he's probably straight-up evil or something. My JUDGEMENT upon his character will be particularly scatthing...
COME ON! Get a life! Where does this widespread wealth-envy in America come from? People work hard, come up with a marketable product that various portions of the population willfully pay for, they make a profit, get rich, and then they become some kind of target? Sure there are corrupt people out there with ill-gotten gains. To that I say, investigate, find some evidence and prosecute( worked on Enron, and Martha Stuart!). Pop stars and other celebrities make various forms of entertainment celebrating all manner of vices, and it gets shoved down our throats (okay, not down our throats, but in our faces...) everyday through tv, internet, radio etc. And THEY make millions with their crap.(I'll admit, I enjoy some of that crap myself; it's what they call a guilty pleasure). People need to get off this hatred of the rich crap, and get a life.It's too petty. Now when the rich cross the line to screw others over, then they need to be put in check, for-real! But go make your own money and stop telling people what to do with theirs.
Finally, I'd like to see a movie that features Jesus tearing through the temple. HUH? Yeah, I read an interesting analysis once (Christisnity: Reality or Myth by Joel Carmichael) which illustrated that Jesus could not have gone into the temple kicking over tables, and smashing stuff up all by his lonesome. Since the place was so damn big, and it was patrolled by a massive contingent of both armed Roman soldiers, and local temple 'police', he had to have gone through that place armed and accompanied by a bunch of his homies!!! Now that's an asskicking Jesus movie I'll pay money to see; repeatedly if it's good! Well, that's my response, I almost DO NOT expect it to be posted, probably 'cause it's too damn long. Hopefully I made some sense, and maybe a few of my points resonated positively in some way. If not, ah well, what can you do...
...oh, and anti-semitism, or racism of any kind should be called-out and not tolerated at all. Forgot to mention that. I also mispelled 'scathing' and 'Christianity'! LOL, too much time on my hands apparently!
ReplyDeletebigbandit: Let me be clear here. I don't have any sort of wealth envy, I could'nt care less if Gibson was the richest man on the planet. My point is that the guy is full of shit. He made this film under the guise that he was merely trying to spread the story of Jesus (posturing as if it was some sort of cinematic crusade). I think that if he truly believed in the faith that he was profiting from he would put the money back. He certainly has a right to do whatever the fuck he wants with the money (I also have the right to criticize him) but I like to think that St. Peter will have a lengthy list of questions for him at the gates of heaven. (I am not Christian either BTW)
ReplyDeleteIf you read the rest of this site you'll see its should'nt be taken so seriously, its basically all jokes.
Aahh each his own. I did respond rather extensively, but hopefully one can see that my statements were rather tongue-in-cheek as well, and I don't want to come-off like I'm foaming at the mouth or anything.
ReplyDeleteFun site btw. Rock-on...
ReplyDeletehe wouldnt have to march through there with a bunch of homies. remember hes JESUS. he can do anything, remember?? -__- and christianity is a religion. a RELIGION. it does not need reasoning or evidence. whats with all those "philosophers" always arguing and whatnot about it. its just what some people believe in. religion and reasoning/ evidence definitely carry opposite meanings.
All I will say is do not judge Mel for how he choose to do things. First of all, he made a movie that touched peoples lives. Second he made money from it lawfully, just as the Bible says and even those who do not follow the Bible, You reap what you sow. What he made from the movie is his to do as he pleases, For all we know he could have donated 10 percent to the church as God asks us to do, not everything a man does has to be made known to all, if one has a good heart and is humble me will do a good deed with out everyone knowing about it. What goes unseen to us, does not to God.
ReplyDeleteThird even though Mel is doing hypocritical acts by producing sinful movies and good movies it is not ANYONES place to judge him, it is only God's place to judge. Just be thankful for the good that he has done.
Money and the fame and still unhappy 9mill strong go do! something for people
ReplyDeleteleave HW go join the Klan KKK . Boy:
But don't hit women in the mouth like that
come beat a man up punk you lost me as a fan Mel .