I was in the Goodwill today as I often am and just as I was about to leave an older woman sitting on a chair trying on shoes says to me "Golf shoes are really comfortable" she proceeds to take off a shoe and says to me look at all the padding in this thing. I just smile and say "nice" she goes on to say that she walks a lot and they are the most comfortable shoes. I thought our conversation was over there but no there was more. Just as I was stepping to leave she asks "Do you have any New Years resolutions?" At this point I figure she may just want someone to talk to so I'll play along. I say I do not. She says her New Years resolution is the Learn the Language of Love. I'm thinking wow this is becoming quite an interesting dialog. She says "Feeling love is different than knowing the language and being able to communicate it to others also that her friend has a cassette titled the language of love but that you probably need a video to learn it". She also says I can have that resolution and proceeds to try to think of some others I can have. I half wished that I had just said I wanted to start eating healthier. She says her last years resolution was Wisdom and she goes on to stumble over a bible verse to do with Solomon. At this point I knew where the conversation was heading, the next question was.... "Are you Christian?". I never really know how to answer these questions. I pause and say "No I'm nothing, I was raised with nothing". She mishears me and asks "You're Muslim?" I say "No I'm nothing I don't follow any religion". She goes on to tell me about the 2 different churches that she goes to and that I should come by. She then asks where I grew up and I say "On the West Side" she says she did too and tells me the street she grew up on and surprisingly I grew up on the street right next to her's. I tell her this and she says "oh yeah, that new street" I found this humorous because the house I grew up in is at least 50 years old. The conversation went on a bit longer and she dropped the church thing a few more times. Saying it must be hard to step into a church if your not part of one but she said "The door swings both ways". I'm not exactly sure what that means does that mean that its easy to walk into a church but then if you don't like what's going on inside its just as easy to get the hell out of there. At this point I figured I had better get out of there before the "faith" questions become more pressing. I told her I had to get going so she shook my hand and told me here name and again said that I should come to the church on Sunday. I said "Maybe I will" but doesn't maybe mean no the majority of the time. I think it does.
Wow... that really was one hell of a conversation.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I can't stand when people bullshit with us--and then once they get us 'hooked' into the conversation-- rear their hidden agenda.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this woman actually had a hidden agenda, sounds to me like she may have simply been lonely, or a bit off of her nocker, or both.
This post reminds me of a mailman we used to have who used to bullshit with me everytime I was outside washing my car. One day, he asked me if I believed in God: I answered "yes, I do". He then asked me certain questions about my beliefs--to which I thought he was genuinely inquiring because he himself might be interested in learning my views. Well, turns out he was a Jehovah's Witness and proceeded to corner me everytime he saw me from that day on. He even began to leave propaganda in my mailbox! That's a bit illegal--at least in the United States!
I finally had a talk with him and told him that he wasn't to mention the Jehovah's anymore--or God, for that matter. I was going to threaten to tell his boss about leaving the pamphlets and BOOKS in my mailbox (mixed in with the mail), but he got the jist of what I was saying before I had to stoop that low.
Well, he's since been given a day job. Apparently he blew out his knees. Maybe another unsuspecting householder got reported him for recruiting while on the job!!