I think Plastic surgery (much like CGI) is still at the point where it looks ridiculous. It's very obvious, bizarre and looks out of place next to natural elements. It's like looking at Jar Jar Binks beside Queen Amidala, one is a thing of beauty and the other is an abomination (not just on an aesthetic level but on a theoretical level too). I not only hate looking at it but hate everything that it stands for as well. As with all cases there are probably exceptions to these rules: Let's say there are some filmmakers who can create CGI that is indistinguishable from reality and there are plastic surgeons who can do the same. They are true artists and no-one can see the seam between the real and the artificial. ( I don't have any specific examples, but they may exist).
Now please don't get confused I am not talking about reconstructive surgery or any procedure for people who genuinely need the work done. When I say plastic surgery I am talking exclusively about vanity surgery. I'm talking about the type of people on Extreme Make Over who think that they're lives will be miraculously better if they could just look different. Its as if thinking that replacing your yellow front lawn with astro-turf and covering the peeling paint with vinyl siding on the outside of your shit-hole house will somehow transform the interior as well. People on this show with that line of thought quickly find the inside of their home is just as empty and messy as it was before the only difference is that people walking by think the house now looks better (if not a little artificial).
On the point of false advertising. We are attracted to the opposite sex first and foremost on a physical level (anyone that tries to deny this is full of shit) lets face it essentially we are still mammals and we still possess natural animal instincts. Somewhere deep Below all the McDonalds jingles and Simpson's quotes we have the basic inherent instinct to procreate the species (even if it is un-necessary anymore with world over-population). Like animals we pick mates based on physical traits. If you went to the supermarket and bought a box of Kellogg's Rice Krispies and then went home and opened the box only to find No-Name rice puffs inside you'd rightfully be pissed off. The same thing would apply when Joe/Jane-Schmo has offspring with Neo-Barbie/Ken and a goblin-child pops out. Plastic people aren't bringing the genes they advertise to the pool.
tags: plastic surgery,ideas,insight,
How will we think about the matter in 20 years time?
ReplyDeleteI certainly did not have braces. What the hell is wrong with crooked teeth anyway? Look at Jewel she is famous for them and she sure doenst look bad.
ReplyDeleteyeah, i agree with dee, are we really so vain/wastefull that we need to spend a ridiculous amount of money on something thats only purpose is to mask a serious mental issue? just think how many mouths that money could feed. we should point people who have mental issues like the inablility to interact with people to phychiatrists, not plastic surgeons.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you know that the woman in that photo is addicted to plastic surgery and had to actually sign a pledge to abstain from plastic surgery for a year (I think) At this point she can only have Botox. She also was encouraging her 17 year daughter to engage in p/s also. She really needs counselling for sure.
ReplyDeletewhat were you thinking you are pretty with out all that work.
ReplyDeleteI'd say some people do need braces though. Just like reconstructive surgery, if you're teeth don't work properly you need to have them fixed, sometimes with braces, sometimes with surgery, etc. In my case when I bite down I have a 1/4 of an inch space between my uppper teeth and my lower teeth, in essence, I can't bite anything very well. Thus, I see a orthodontist and have braces.
ReplyDeleteyou people really need to get back to work. worry about your own lives, or the lack of them. no one's forcing plastic surgery down you throat, and in the words of my mother- if you can't say anyhting nice, shut the hell up.
ReplyDeleteMan you people are so anal.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with this; plastic surgery is such a crock and it's a waste of money for sure.
You are paying someone to cut into perfectly healthy flesh because you have issues based on pure vanity.
No wonder kids are growing up so fucked up because all of their tenny-bopper role models have been knifed, nipped and tucked physiclally to match their dysfunctional personalities as is.
Braces aren't exactly credible for this argument either; there is nothing plastic about it, nor reconstructive - it is only a procedure, one that doesn't make you look like Howard the Duck.
The whole thing is that no matter how much you all hate plastic surgery there is a whole other world that can't get enough of it. It's sad yes I know, but millions of men and women are uncomfortable with their appearance. Who is really at fault? Is it the doctors, their parents, the media, our society? Who is to blame for this new epidemic? How can it be stopped? I don't think it can be stopped. People have looked for ways to change their appearance throughout history. Look at what make-up does, I don't know about you but I look very different and a lot better after I put that make-up on. Plastic surgery is like a permanent make-up. The same basic result you get from make-up is what people get from surgery only over a longer period of time. They say just one surgery will solve all your problems. But, that's not true because after a few years that bitch gravity ruins the new image you have just created. It's so easy just to turn to a new surgery as a sort of "quick" fix. All this does is just encourage the insecurities that people have because it can be easily fixed by surgery. The image problems don't matter, they don't need counseling, or just support from their family or friends. No big deal, another $6000 and I'll be pretty again
ReplyDeletei feel completely different on facial plastic surgery and body plastic surgery. I feel that changing your face for vanity purposes is ridiculous because all faces are beautiful and unique and your eyes chin nose cheeks lips are what defines you and real beauty is in a persons face not body. a large nose for instance is beautiful it brings character to a face, to try and change ur face to look like someone else u think is beautiful is just making urself un- unique and less beautiful. Bodies on the other hand i see differently because they are not so unique, everyone has a body and most look reletively simelar, to alter ur body in a certain area (say a boob job) is i think different because its not ur face and ur face is what is truely u anyway, the opposite sex is attracted to certain aspects of ones body and its ur life to live if u feel u would have more fun with bigger boobs or less fat then go for it, bodies change.. after pregnancy etc and yes so do faces (from age) but a woman whos had a child should not have to give up the sex appeal their body once had, they should not feel ashamed of having surgery to approve their bodies. ur face should be left to age naturally (not smoking will help u age slower). bodies are sexual and faces are expressive.. bodies are different from faces, take for example that u can improve ur body in other ways such as working out.. u cant work out ur face. embrace how ur face looks, because it makes u expressive, unique, show character and are BEAUTIFUL.. bodies are almost all alike... and are used mostly for comfort and sexual purposes because bodies are almost all alike who cares but no two people (except twins) share the same exact faces so i wouldnt mess with urs because u would regret loosing a part of something that trully shows and expresses your own unique personal beauty. but i would like to say as a conclusion that people should do what they want, you only live once make urself the happiest you can in whichever way u feel best if that means surgery i would first look into other means of changing but ok go for it if u want, just know that u will be loved no matter what by people who truely matter for ur personality no matter how u look. This is ur life if surgery on ur face or body makes u feel happier then think about it for a long long time and then if u still want to, id go for it! but look into other ways to change first! and be discrete!!! double D's are not attractive!! and they're heavy... also dont over do it!! a barely there nose or inflamed lips is usually un-attractive and scary!! unless natural... remember be discrete and dont do more than one or two things.. because plastic surgery is noticeable and its permenant! !! and its better if u dont mess with ur face!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. Why get plastic surgery done? Why have braces? If we look this way, then that is it. Apperance doesn't really matter. If you are someone nice in the inside... that is what is most important... than looks!
ReplyDeleteI've had braces and trust me it wasn't to make my teeth straighter. I've already has beautiful teeth. The point of braces sometimes are to straighten out the bones and the actual jaw so it doesn't create problems in the future.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with plastic surgery either, but if I ever did get into an accident, that's not to say that I would have surgery to fix or reconstruct a part of my body or face that has been badly mutilated. My grandmother fell and broke her nose, she wouldn't have had rhinoplasty otherwise, but it was necessary.
I have looked at pictures of celebrities who have had plastic surgery, and I honestly think they look worse. In almost every case.
ReplyDeleteSo, when people know what they're up against. Why do they do it?
There are so many people who age beautifully without plastic surgery, and beauty comes from within anyway.
Please show me a picture of a successful plastic surgery operation and I there's a .0001 percent chance I'll change my mind soon.
My belief is this--If you think you're beautiful, that's how people see you. Why tamper with it?