These pic's has been floating around for a while now but this is the first I've seen them. They show the downward spiral of a girl from New York over the course of 15 years. I find the pics so haunting becasue you can pretty much see her slowly lose here soul.
Tags:drugs, pictures
Wow. Is this a billboard somewhere? If not, it should be.
ReplyDeleteI'm a recovering addict...alot of us carry this series around as a reminder (tucked in our NA books)...."haunting" is a perfect word to describe it. So sad..she was young, beautiful and free at one time.
ReplyDeleteall i got to say is that is SAD!!!!!
ReplyDeletejust another reason why drugs should be legalized and people be taught when and how to use them.
ReplyDeleteTry not to cry...
ReplyDeletewellall i can say is thatshe learnt her lesson and i find it haunting that she let drugs take over her life like that.Drug addicts mostly come out of broken homes and by the look of her she did.
ReplyDeletedoes anyone have her email adress that is one hot looking chick
ReplyDeleteDon't think that drug addiction is always the end of life some of us get out of it and live on to achieve great things. I was an amphetamine intavenous user (addict really) for 9 years and one day coming down in a women's refuge decided never to take again and now have been clean for 5,5 years without detox, all on my own. I now have a masters degree in journalism and one in dyplomacy and I run my own company and those years have even helped me I would say. Meeting my mother helped a lot I guess.
ReplyDeleteI currently am addicted to ecstasy and cocaine and I just started using about 5 months ago. It's pictures like this that scare the hell out of me. I can't afford to loose everything. My friends have already lost almost everything.......except their sanity.
ReplyDeleteNEED HELP! my first time in here and I need help. I have a brother younger than I am and he admitted to have used drugs in the past but was cleaned for a while on his own. He was always a good kid and just hanged out with the wrong crowd who was know to do these things thats when we noticed his attitude changed. My family pulled him away from those friends and right after we saw and felt the big change. Lately, he's been acting strange like staying out late without advising, so not like him, and when asked he lies. We've cought him in lies and I am very afraid he might have started agian. How can I tell and how can I approch him without him feelinf offened? I need a way to reach out to him before it's to late, a way that will show him he can trust me, beacuse I can help. But how can I help? --A desperate sister--
ReplyDeletethis is a pic about a girl and how drugs made her lose herself and its fuckin unbelievable that some ppl have the mind 2 say she's hot...yea she wuz pretty and carefree @ some point, but every1 is before they git addicted 2 ppl dont post pics up lik these 2 show how hot addicts are/were, they show it 2 teach ppl about wut drugs can do 2 u...and u take this sad pic and turn it into a joke?! seriously wtf is up wit this wrld
ReplyDeleteis she choking? cos i heard ppl who choke r purple. My friend's brother's girlfriend's sister's dog's previous owner choked on an xtc tablet
ReplyDeletethat first this should be a think
ReplyDeleteGOD DAMN!!!
ReplyDeletejee wiz!!! drugs are fucked up.... but then again i would like to giv'em a shot..... like i mean... if some1 put them in front of me i wouldn't say no but...... yeah
ReplyDeleteDRUGS ARE BAD!!!! but they are fun, so i'm off to jimmys now to do some ice. i wanna stop i need help. if some reads this can you PLEASE give me info on how to stop
Sorry, but this is a case of hypothyroidism, not drugs (maybe a combination).
ReplyDeleteTry not to be so full of prejudice next time.