I liked episode 3 but I should also say that I liked episode 2. Of the prequels they have progressively gotten better, obviously they don't stand up to the originals but I think you have to think of them in different terms. My biggest problems with the pre's are CGI (I hate CGI, but I really hate when characters are done purely with CGI) I still think they look better as puppets and that actually locations look better than fanciful alien landscapes. Problem 2 is that the pre's are way too busy, too many characters, too many locations, too much politics, and the battles and fight scenes are too much. The originals followed a fairly simple formula beginning/middle/end (in terms of location). For example Tatooine --> Death Star --> Death Star battle. or Hoth -->Dagoba --> Cloud City. or Tatooine -->Moon of Endor -->2nd Death Star Battle. Anyway it would have been better if kept simpler.
Now that the six are done its time to ask a bunch of pointless questions:
How did Chewbacca go from being a high ranking officer in the Wookie army to the side kick of a two bit smuggler?
or maybe Chewbacca is a common name for a Wookie.
In episode 3 Ob1 says to Luke "Here is your fathers lightsaber, he wanted you to have it when you to have it when you were old enough but your uncle wouldn't allow it"
here's how I imagine it played out.
phone rings
Ob1 - hello
Vader - Is Ob1 there?
Ob1 - speaking
Vader - hey its, Anna- I mean Darth Vader.
Ob1 - oh shit did you live through that lava pit thing?
Vader- yeah but I'm more machine than man now.
Ob1 - ha ha yeah, sorry about that
Vader - anyway I noticed as my legs were melting off that you grabbed my lightsaber, and its cool I don't need it back or anything cause its a blue one and I have a red one now but can you make sure my son gets that when he's old enough.
Ob1 - Uhhhh what do you mean your son?
Vader - come on man, I'm the most powerful jedi in the galaxy I know that my son is alive
Ob1- Ok I'll make sure he gets it
Vader - thanks dude
Ob1- alright talk to ya later.
and then when Ob1 tries to drop it off Lukes uncle basically utters some insult about him being a crazy old wizard and to get off his property before he beats him with a moisture hose.
another question:
in episode 1 when Ob1 brings Anakin before the jedi council they say he is too old to start the training (and he's maybe 7 years old) he then spends years and years training and eventually is still unable to resist the dark side.
Luke doesn't start training until he is about 19 years old and his training consists of a 5 minute lesson on the flight from Tatooine to Aldaran and then about 2 days on the Dagobah. He then falls for the trap that is set for him, but ultimately he doesn't join the dark side even when its his own father tempting him with dreams of ruling the whole galaxy. I found that strange, It should have been easy as hell for the Emperor and Vader to get Luke to join the Dark side.
Luke: "He says he belongs to an Ob1 Kenobi"
Ob1: "I don't recall ever owning a droid before"
but here's the part that got cut out "but these two have the same names and look exactly like a couple of droids I hung out with for about 30 years and went on a shit load of adventures with, actually Luke C3P0 here was built by your Dad that's pretty cool eh?"
anyway I have a million retarded questions like these.....there are more to come
This is for the Luke and his training question. He actually trained for a few years on his own before facing his father, we just don't see that because it happens in between the time of empire and return of the jedi because Luke even has time to make his own lightsaber. As for the age, they probably only made a fuss about it in the early movies because it was unheard of, but anakin and luke are so strong in the force, that age doesn't really matter for them.
ReplyDeleteI got one for you. On the old ones the jedi are regarded as a just a legend or fake all together. But in the new ones they are some really respected and feared. How in less than 20 years is that?
ReplyDelete< glavin > Well, the reason aniken fell to the dark side insted of luke is because he had a strong taste of the power of the force. He grew up surrounded by fucking crazy l337 jedi and learned all kinds of cool powers and stuff (aka super speed and jumping and stuff) so he had a thirst for more power. luke grew up on a fucking moisture farm, and trained on derelict swamp and didnt have time to see how powerful the force actually is.
ReplyDelete< /glavin >