Today I wish I was Greek. Greek with a mild gambling problem. Going into the Euro Cup the odds on Greece were 80 to 1. So if I would have dropped say 100 thousand dollars at the beginning of it all I would have 8 million dollars. Even this last game the odds against Greece were 11 to 1.
Good Time is here again. Good Time ran away last week. Good Time came back. Good Time Seems wary of this house. Good Time was born at the old house. Good Time looked like a mouse when he was born. Good Time hid behind the furnace and cried all day yesterday. Good Time hid under my bed and cried all day today. Good Time hasn't been eating. Good Time is the name of my cat. I think Good Time can see ghosts.
I think cats in general can see ghosts. They definitely seem to be watching things move that us humans cant see. They do have much better night vision than us so maybe they have some kinda infared thing going on.
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