Sunday June 13th was exactly one year since I quit smoking (I would have posted yesterday but my internet
was acting stupid which is another issue all together)
-> I smoked for 9 years, about half a pack a day and had never really tried to quit.
-> Quitting was a lot easier than I thought it would be, in fact it wasn't really hard at all. (I do have
to say that I don't have an addictive personality though, I really learned that from quitting)
-> It is less than a week for the physical dependency effects to go away and then you just have to get over the mental addiction, which for me was just about every hour my brain would say hey its time for a cigarette, and you just have to stop and say to yourself no its not.
-> My only tips for quitting are these: 1. get yourself some cinnamon flavored gum (cinnamon is good because
it has a bit of a burn to it) 2. picture yourself lying on your death bed dying of a smoking related disease. (seriously, If you were at that point wouldn't you wish that you had quit)
-> Quitting cold turkey is the only way to do it: If you think hey I can just cut back or slowly wean myself off that's bullshit and it wont work also no nicotine patches or gum also bullshit how do you quit the substance you're addicted to by continuing to put it in your body?
-> don't try to quit with someone else: at first it seems like a great idea, like hey we can give each other moral support, that's bullshit what inevitably happens is you both convince each other what a good idea it is to smoke. You may be thinking yeah right I'm stronger than that, well if that was true you wouldn't be smoking. It really comes down to making a personal decision and going through with it.
-> don't believe the hype: Everyone wants you to think that quitting smoking is really hard, the cigarette companies (so you wont try) the nicotine gum/patch industry (so you'll buy their shit), all the ex-smokers (so they can brag and feel good about themselves)
-> In the most basic boiled down version of everything quitting smoking (or anything else for that matter) is the easiest thing to do in the world. YOU JUST STOP DOING IT!!! sounds simple, well it is.
how did you quit stabbing yourself in the arm with that knife? I just stopped doing it.
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