Last night I came face to face with a raccoon on my back porch, I was going to the store to buy ginger ale and he was eating garbage as ususal. We both stood there for a minute just staring at each other, like a couple of deer in the headlights. I took a couple of pics of him but when I went to get closer he ran and hid under the back porch. It got me thinking about raccoons, I really cant picture them living in the wild at all. It seems like they are exclusively city creatures, just moping around at night feasting on peoples trash. I guess I never knew where they lived before either, but now I know its under the porches of the world. Well at least my porch.
Monday, May 31, 2004
Scream thy last scream
Last night I came face to face with a raccoon on my back porch, I was going to the store to buy ginger ale and he was eating garbage as ususal. We both stood there for a minute just staring at each other, like a couple of deer in the headlights. I took a couple of pics of him but when I went to get closer he ran and hid under the back porch. It got me thinking about raccoons, I really cant picture them living in the wild at all. It seems like they are exclusively city creatures, just moping around at night feasting on peoples trash. I guess I never knew where they lived before either, but now I know its under the porches of the world. Well at least my porch.
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Hi it's been a long time
In the past I've heard bad reviews for this record. I really dont know why because its really good, especially when you get it for 25 cents.
Friday, May 28, 2004
Window Shop of Love
Today I picked up this little game called blip. I was hoping that a little electronic device called "blip" would create some interesting vintage blip sounds. Well I was mistaken because it makes no sounds next to the sound of the timer counting down. To make matters worse I got bored of the damn game in under 10 seconds. I guess a "digital" game from 1977 has little to offer in todays world apart from a little nostalgia, but hell its older than me so it does nothing. Anyone want to buy it?
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Never mind what theyre selling, its what youre buying
It never ceases to amaze me how much people buy into without even thinking...
Today I heard some people raving on about a low carb diet as if it was the greatest thing ever. I dont know why the millions of people on these low carb diets cant see that its just another diet like the many before it. Cutting Carbs as opposed to cutting fat, wow what a brilliant idea. The expression "Everything in moderation" is best for this situation. If you eat a balanced diet and exercise you probably wont need to go on a fad diet. It wont be long before cutting fat out of your diet is what youre "supposed" to do again.
anyway this is just a very stupid example of what I was thinking about...
A long time ago someone came up with the brilliant crux of marketing "create a problem and then sell a solution". I really have to commend the person who came up with that one casue it really is quite amazing that it was pulled off so perfectly. Its actually so far advanced from the basic concept that it is more like web. Here is a breakdown.
Fast Food/Junk Food<---You are too busy to cook for yourself, and processed food is so fucking know you cant live without it.
TV<---Hours and hours of non-stop programming that provide you with commercials (which are really just public service announcements about new products. Isnt it amazing that they provide this service for us for free?? and cable is so cheap.) Tv also provides an alternative to exercise, a window into "celebrity" life and the the overall feeling of inadaquacy.
Magazines/Movies<----More unrealistic expectations for the general public.
But wait maybe can be happy too if you just try out this new'll
work we swear...
by the way the diet industry is a multi-million (probably billion) dollar industry.
I know this all seems very simple and if youre thinking all this is so obvious that it needs not be stated then I commend you, but Ive had similar conversations with people who honestly never think about this stuff and amusingly enough find it rather profound. Most of those people are what you call consumers.
Today I heard some people raving on about a low carb diet as if it was the greatest thing ever. I dont know why the millions of people on these low carb diets cant see that its just another diet like the many before it. Cutting Carbs as opposed to cutting fat, wow what a brilliant idea. The expression "Everything in moderation" is best for this situation. If you eat a balanced diet and exercise you probably wont need to go on a fad diet. It wont be long before cutting fat out of your diet is what youre "supposed" to do again.
anyway this is just a very stupid example of what I was thinking about...
A long time ago someone came up with the brilliant crux of marketing "create a problem and then sell a solution". I really have to commend the person who came up with that one casue it really is quite amazing that it was pulled off so perfectly. Its actually so far advanced from the basic concept that it is more like web. Here is a breakdown.
Fast Food/Junk Food<---You are too busy to cook for yourself, and processed food is so fucking know you cant live without it.
TV<---Hours and hours of non-stop programming that provide you with commercials (which are really just public service announcements about new products. Isnt it amazing that they provide this service for us for free?? and cable is so cheap.) Tv also provides an alternative to exercise, a window into "celebrity" life and the the overall feeling of inadaquacy.
Magazines/Movies<----More unrealistic expectations for the general public.
But wait maybe can be happy too if you just try out this new'll
work we swear...
by the way the diet industry is a multi-million (probably billion) dollar industry.
I know this all seems very simple and if youre thinking all this is so obvious that it needs not be stated then I commend you, but Ive had similar conversations with people who honestly never think about this stuff and amusingly enough find it rather profound. Most of those people are what you call consumers.
Monday, May 24, 2004
no way to collapse the lung
My internet was down for several hours tonight and I realized how hopelessly addicted to it I really am. Here I have this amazing computer cabable of running all sorts of interesting and exciting programs and yet when my connection is down I feel cut-off and out of touch with the world of data. Not that I would be doing anything terribly important but I still feel like there is so much missing running the ordinateur with no internet. Its almost like having one of your senses cut off, hey for the next couple of hours youre going to be blind. I became extremely irratible and angry. It may be due in part that the only thing I could watch on my cable-less tv was the season finale of the Swan. That show is totally awfull for many many reasons, but at least it affirms an important point-----> If you are beautiful(beauty being defined by a television show) you
will be happy. Its crazy living in the future.
will be happy. Its crazy living in the future.
Sunday, May 16, 2004
All I ever wanted was to be your spine
Within the past few days Vivendi Universal completed a merger with NBC and it was barely a blip in the news...This kind of stuff isnt even on peoples radar. I dont know if many people know that there are only 6 major media moguls left. Bertelsmann, News Corp., Vivendi Universal, Walt Disney, Viacom and AOL - Time Warner. (although I think that Time Warner dropped AOL, Im not sure if thats true but I think I remeber reading that.) Anyway if you could see all the holdings of these individual companies you would be surprised to learn how much information is each of these companies control, and as they continue to merge more and more of everything we see, read and hear is controlled by less and less people (higher up the ladder). Six compaines may seem like a lot but when you look at the breakdown these 6 compaines were once hundreds of individual companies. Someday there may only be one or two of these moguls left yet everytime a merger or buyout happens it is buried in the news. Can you figure out why that might be.
Friday, May 14, 2004
Rip This Joint
Gas Prices are the highest they have ever been and today was one of the earliest smog advisories reported-----> The answer seems simple to me.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Latoya voted off of American Idol
Its really humid up here today-> Diet Caffeine free Coke isnt as bad as I thought I remembered it was-> That old guy at the hardware store looks like a caricature of a cheap imitation of a muppet-> the crack head was back in the office today standing beside a puddle of spit yammering on about the most absurd things yet acting as if it is important business (I guess it is to him)-> I bought a copy of "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" for $5 (its worth just buying movies when the cost $5, when you take into account the $3 rental charge and the inevitable multiple day late fines)-> Latoya really shouldnt have been voted off though, I really saw her winning the competition.
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